Cannon Capers on Android

Hello All,

I’ve just published my first game and I would love some feed back. It’s called Cannon Capers!

I don’t know how to get promo codes for Google play so I included a link for the free (but shorter) version. Please let me know what you think :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Thomas [import]uid: 90818 topic_id: 28499 reply_id: 328499[/import]

Congrats on your first game!

Are you planning an iOS version? (No Android on hand right now.) [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 28499 reply_id: 115040[/import]

Thanks Peach!

I have submitted the iOS version but I’m still waiting on review. It’s been about 6 days so hopefully they will get to it soon. Once it is approved I will be sure to post a link :slight_smile:

Hareball Games
@NettowaNinja [import]uid: 90818 topic_id: 28499 reply_id: 115210[/import]

Glad to hear that - I think the current approval time is around 11 days from what I’ve been hearing lately. Wishing you a speedy approval!

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 28499 reply_id: 115360[/import]

Hi Peach,

Cannon Capers was approved for the App Store today! I’m happy to provide you a promo code, just let me know where to send it to.

I also have another question I’m not sure where to direct it to. When I created my package id for android I used com.hareballgames.cannon. When I created my package id for itunes I used com.hareballgames.cannoncapers. I don’t see and issue except that now I have two game listings in the Corona Labs showcase. I’m not sure if this is a problem or not.

I appreciate your feedback :slight_smile:


Thomas [import]uid: 90818 topic_id: 28499 reply_id: 115979[/import]

Hey Thomas - I need to fund my iTunes account as it’s empty, so if you’d not mind I’d appreciate that promo code; peach[at]coronalabs.

Don’t worry about the different IDs, that shouldn’t cause a problem.

I forget how show case is set up, did it create 2 pages for you somehow, or did you create two pages manually? [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 28499 reply_id: 116048[/import]

I just emailed you the promo code.

The showcase auto created the pages for me I just needed to fill in a few details. Everything seems to be working fine but I’ll keep an eye on it.

Very exciting! [import]uid: 90818 topic_id: 28499 reply_id: 116064[/import]

Thanks for that, I just saw it - hope to download tonight after work :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 28499 reply_id: 116203[/import]