Cannot build a macOS App with a provisioning profile

Using daily build 2016.3012, I cannot build an “OS X” version using either a Distribution or Development provisioning profile.

This is the build error I get in Corona Simulator:

Build Failed


ERROR: plugin code signing for ‘/Users/romero/Documents/coding/gunman-taco-truck/builds/macOS/Gunman Taco’ failed: /Users/romero/Documents/coding/gunman-taco-truck/builds/macOS/Gunman Taco main executable failed strict validation

This is what Apple support says:
codesign says my main executable failed strict validation.

Your Mach-O executable does not conform to modern Mach-O layout rules.

You may be using a third party development product that hasn’t been brought up to date, or post-processed your file in unsupported ways.


Sounds like Corona SDK needs to be updated for this ability?




Are you including the Steam plugin?



I was. Then i commented it out and it still won’t build.

Are you getting a different error?

Same exact error without the Steam plugin.

You’ll need to manually delete the built .app after commenting out a plugin in build.settings  to make sure it’s not in the built .app due to a bug in the build process.

The Steam library has an issue with code signing that currently requires a workaround:

  1. Select “None” for the OS X build’s “Provisioning Profile”

  2. Build the OS X desktop app

  3. Sign the *.app bundle with the following Terminal command line:

    codesign --deep -f -s “Developer ID Application: <Company Name>” <PathToApp>

Manual codesigning is a huge rabbit hole when it doesn’t work, which it didn’t for me.

I found my certificates, used the macOS one I have, and it didn’t work, even though I had it show me all the certs it knows about. The syntax for codesign is sloppy with so much capitalized English.

So, it would be nice to fix the provisioning bug in Corona SDK.

The issue is with the way the Steam library is built (we don’t have this issue with any others) and it’s not clear that it is something we can fix in Corona.

Just in case I’ve misunderstood the issue you are seeing, can you PM me a complete log of a session in which the build fails?


FOUND THE ISSUE. It’s ridiculous; not sure it’s your issue or not.

I commented-out the steamworks plugin from our build.settings and rebuilt the macOS version several times with little tweaks each time. Nothing mattered. It still failed the strict codesign process because the steamworks plugin was still being included.

I found that after you comment-out the steamworks plugin in build.settings you have to QUIT AND RERUN CORONA SDK.

That evidently clears it up and I can make development and distribution builds for macOS now.

Are you including the Steam plugin?



I was. Then i commented it out and it still won’t build.

Are you getting a different error?

Same exact error without the Steam plugin.

You’ll need to manually delete the built .app after commenting out a plugin in build.settings  to make sure it’s not in the built .app due to a bug in the build process.

The Steam library has an issue with code signing that currently requires a workaround:

  1. Select “None” for the OS X build’s “Provisioning Profile”

  2. Build the OS X desktop app

  3. Sign the *.app bundle with the following Terminal command line:

    codesign --deep -f -s “Developer ID Application: <Company Name>” <PathToApp>

Manual codesigning is a huge rabbit hole when it doesn’t work, which it didn’t for me.

I found my certificates, used the macOS one I have, and it didn’t work, even though I had it show me all the certs it knows about. The syntax for codesign is sloppy with so much capitalized English.

So, it would be nice to fix the provisioning bug in Corona SDK.

The issue is with the way the Steam library is built (we don’t have this issue with any others) and it’s not clear that it is something we can fix in Corona.

Just in case I’ve misunderstood the issue you are seeing, can you PM me a complete log of a session in which the build fails?


FOUND THE ISSUE. It’s ridiculous; not sure it’s your issue or not.

I commented-out the steamworks plugin from our build.settings and rebuilt the macOS version several times with little tweaks each time. Nothing mattered. It still failed the strict codesign process because the steamworks plugin was still being included.

I found that after you comment-out the steamworks plugin in build.settings you have to QUIT AND RERUN CORONA SDK.

That evidently clears it up and I can make development and distribution builds for macOS now.