I’m having trouble with making an APK. i recently upgraded computers- and likely deleted my java folder before migrating my files, as i was deleting things for space. on my new computer (catalina), i can’t seem to build to android using corona 3326, 3512, or 3577.
I get error 256, and it says i don’t have java 1.8 on builds 3500+. i went to download it and oracle says they’re charging now for commercial licenses. is that why it’s not building correctly? do i have to pay oracle to make this build? i looked into then open source java but tbh i’m way out of my depth here.
it also says “ERROR: Cannot Unlock Keystore: The password for the Keystore located at (keystore)
is not correct or the file is not a valid Keystore” - i tried my old keystore, i tried making a new one, i tried using one that worked in feb on the old computer, no luck.
any help would be much appreciated!
error log from 3326: https://hastebin.com/enoguvajej.bash
error log from 3577: https://hastebin.com/nodawuloki.sql