Cannot build for Android (release build after generating keystore)

I followed the directions exactly at:

to generate my own keystore. I went through all the prompts and created a password and it seems like the keystore was successfully created. Yet when I try to choose it from the Build for Android prompt, it says either the password or keystore was invalid. I’ve tried running it as an Administrator also with the same result. Why do I have no trouble using the debug.keystore, yet can’t use one to generate a build that I can upload to Google Play? Can anyone please help?

I’ve also made sure I’m using the latest daily build. I also found an old stackoverflow post where someone suggested installing the JRE in addition to JDK - that also did not work. I’m pulling my hair out here - can somebody please help?

I think I may know what the problem is.

I get the following when running keytool -list on my generated keystore:
Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SUN

And the following when run on the default (debug) keystore:
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN

How can I make sure that keytool generates a JKS keystore type?

I think I got it working. I was able to select my keystore and enter the password without errors. Looks like it built properly.

Here’s the command I had to use:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore your.keystore -destkeystore yournew.keystore -deststoretype jks

It’ll ask for the source keystore and destination keystore password.

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Someone can tell me how this comment is usefully in March 2022 ?