Cannot build with onesignal plugin ios. Native

I’m trying to build an app with the onesignal plugins. Other plugins seems to be downloaded and linked correctly but onesignal will create a runtime error. I have tried to manually move the plugin.onesignal.lua to the corona folder. It’s the same result on xcode simulator and a real device. The app have been on the appstore several years with onesignal working but now when trying to create a new version it fails.

Build settings

[“plugin.OneSignal”] = {
publisherId = “com.onesignal”,
supportedPlatforms = {
iphone= { url=“” },
–android= { url=“”},

Error message from Xcode

ERROR: Runtime error

module ‘OneSignal’ not found:resource ( does not exist in archive

no field package.preload[‘OneSignal’]

no file '/Users/magnus.frejd/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/40267CB5-3B75-4304-B19D-4E1F35ECD62C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/842E53F9-6CAD-4CC8-9738-AA81445AAE95/Laxton’

no file '/Users/magnus.frejd/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/40267CB5-3B75-4304-B19D-4E1F35ECD62C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/842E53F9-6CAD-4CC8-9738-AA81445AAE95/Laxton’

no file '/Users/magnus.frejd/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/40267CB5-3B75-4304-B19D-4E1F35ECD62C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/842E53F9-6CAD-4CC8-9738-AA81445AAE95/Laxton’

no file '/Users/magnus.frejd/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/40267CB5-3B75-4304-B19D-4E1F35ECD62C/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/842E53F9-6CAD-4CC8-9738-AA81445AAE95/Laxton’

no file '.

I just use this. I release apps/game constantly and haven’t I didn’t know you can reference GitHub directly:

["plugin.OneSignal"] =
            publisherId = "com.onesignal",

Also is the initial “-” before android intentional?

Yes, I know. That’s what I also did before in earlier versions. But it doesn’t seems to work for native builds anymore. It’s two – before android as I tried to make it as clean as possible when testing the code. :slight_smile:

Native builds! Ah. I usually just download the packages and drag things to the appropriate folder in xCode. Unzip the file put lua files inside the “plugin” folder at the root of your lua project. Anything else just drag and drop in xCode making sure you check “copy if necessary”.

@mfr Did you get it to work?
I have the exact same issue, can’t find anything about it.

Where did you find that “build.settings” entry?