Hello everyone I’m trying to get my Corona and Sublime Text 3 up and running. I am using MacOS, when I click Corona Editor -> Run project I get this popup-> Cannot find executable Corona Simulator at path ‘/Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS/Corona Simulator’ . Can someone tell me how to resolve this, or provide me a link to how I can learn how to fix this? Thank you in advance.
Thank you @Brent for the reply. I changed to Xcode and still had the problem but I was able to use the Xcode error message in google and found out it was because the code editor couldn’t find a file called CoronaSDK. I renamed the file from Corona to CoronaSDK and that fixed it. Thank you again!
Thank you @Brent for the reply. I changed to Xcode and still had the problem but I was able to use the Xcode error message in google and found out it was because the code editor couldn’t find a file called CoronaSDK. I renamed the file from Corona to CoronaSDK and that fixed it. Thank you again!