Cannot get self-hosted ios native plugin to work with simulator build

I have an app that uses a custom plugin. I can get it to build via XCode, but it would be nice if I could build from the simulator instead now that builds are offline. I am trying to follow the instructions from this page

I build the plugin in XCode and find the resulting libplugin_asreader.a at


I copy the libplugin_asreader.a file and create a file called manifest.lua in a new empty directory

manifest.lua contains

local metadata =
plugin =
format = ‘staticLibrary’,

        -- This is the name without the 'lib' prefix.
        -- In this case, the static library is called: libSTATIC_LIB_NAME.a
        staticLibs = { 'plugin_asreader' }, 

        frameworks = { },
        frameworksOptional = {},
        delegates = {  }
return metadata

I create a .tgz file called data.tgz with the following command

tar -cvzf data.tgz libplugin_asreader.a metadata.lua

I copy data.tgz into the directory

My build.settings plugins section looks like the following:

plugins =
      ['plugin.qrscanner'] = spiralcodestudio_plugin('qrscanner'),
      ["plugin.airprint"] =
          publisherId = "tech.scotth",
          supportedPlatforms =
              iphone =
      ["plugin.bit"] =
          publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
          supportedPlatforms =
              iphone =
      ["plugin.asreader"] =
          publisherId = "com.corvidapps",

When I build (using Solar2d Daily build 3628) to an iPhone 6 device the console shows the following:

Dec 06 13:43:28.372 Using additional build settings from: build.settings

Dec 06 13:43:28.384 Building: Copying app resources

Dec 06 13:43:28.400 Building: Unpacking build with plugins

Dec 06 13:43:28.736 Building: Adding plugins

Dec 06 13:43:28.796 Analyzing plugins…

Dec 06 13:43:28.797 Found native plugin: /Users/laura/Desktop/
Found native plugin:

Dec 06 13:43:28.797 Found native plugin: /Users/lauraDesktop/

Analyzing Lua plugins…
Examining plugin: plugin.bit
Examining plugin: plugin.airprint
Examining plugin: plugin.asreader
Examining plugin: plugin.qrscanner

Compiling Slices…
Compiling architecture: armv7

Dec 06 13:43:29.111 cd “/var/folders/f2/ylxh1gwn2ns2rgdsn6c90_8h0000gn/T/CLtmpjV5yuQ/armv7”;unset LIBRARY_PATH; export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=8; export PATH="/Applications/";"/Applications/" -stdlib=libstdc++ -arch armv7 -isysroot “/Applications/” -ObjC -all_load -fobjc-link-runtime -miphoneos-version-min=8 -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker @executable_path/Frameworks -L"/Users/laura/Desktop/" -L"/Users/laura/Desktop/" -L"/Users/laura/Desktop/" -L"/Users/laura/Desktop/" -F"/Users/laura/Desktop/" -F"/Users/laura/Desktop/" -F"/Users/laura/Desktop/" -F"/Users/laura/Desktop/" -framework AudioToolbox -framework AVFoundation -framework CFNetwork -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreLocation -framework CoreMedia -framework CoreMotion -framework CoreVideo -framework CoreText -framework GameKit -framework GLKit -framework ImageIO -framework MapKit -framework MediaPlayer -framework MessageUI -framework MobileCoreServices -framework OpenAL -framework QuartzCore -framework Security -framework StoreKit -framework SystemConfiguration -framework UIKit -framework WebKit -weak_framework GameController -weak_framework AssetsLibrary -weak_framework Photos -weak_framework Foundation -weak_framework Twitter -lobjc -lsqlite3 -ltemplate -lplugin.bit -lplugin_airprint -lplugin_qrscanner -o “/var/folders/f2/ylxh1gwn2ns2rgdsn6c90_8h0000gn/T/CLtmpjV5yuQ/armv7/Harvest_App_Solar2d_Only”


When I run the app on the device I get the following error

Dec 06 13:28:44.154 [Device] table: 0x280cbc540 [Device] Handling the unhandled error module ‘plugin.asreader’ not found:resource ( does not exist in archive [Device] no field package.preload[‘plugin.asreader’] [Device] no file ‘/var/containers/Bundle/Application/417F5938-D725-41C3-A3D8-838715306EAE/’ [Device] no file ‘/var/containers/Bundle/Application/417F5938-D725-41C3-A3D8-838715306EAE/’ [Device] no file ‘/var/containers/Bundle/Application/417F5938-D725-41C3-A3D8-838715306EAE/’ [Device] no file ‘/var/containers/Bundle/Application/417F5938-D725-41C3-A3D8-838715306EAE/’ [Device] no file ‘./plugin/’ [Device] no file ‘/var/containers/Bundle/Application/417F5938-D725-41C3-A3D8-838715306EAE/’ [Device] no file '/var/containers/Bundle/Application/417F5938-D725-41C3-A3D8-838715306EAE/<\M-b\M^@\M-&>

When the app builds it says “examining plugin.asreader” but in the link section there are references to all the other plugins, but no reference to the asreader I am not sure if I packaged the plugin incorrectly or put it in the wrong spot, as it doesn’t seem to be linking to it. The plugin does work when I build the app from xCode using the Native project template.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!