Cannot install iOS app with iTune

Hi Brent,

I didn’t saw any issue with the provisioning  in Apple, but still I delete the provisioning/certification and start all over again.

Now the good news that I am able to Sync the app with iTune but when I am starting the BUILD prcess I am getting the 3 warninig messages.

Any suggestion how I can handle this issue and elimante them ? 

Warning: no valid private certificates found for profile “Nis - Development (94SJ5VPG56)”

Public certificate: iPhone Developer: Yuval Forish (56ACQA5KGW) [2B0510277AD3236656EC25F6819A912B37FAD570]

Provisioning file: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/4bc20157-e27e-47ad-a1d4-3281be49f088.mobileprovision

Warning: no valid private certificates found for profile “Nis - Development (94SJ5VPG56)”

Public certificate: iPhone Developer: Yuval Forish (56ACQA5KGW) [99478767A1A27B2A25CA597FAC18FE7CD3018750]

Provisioning file: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/696bbb8e-a7fa-48ff-83c1-4bcaf3f21c0e.mobileprovision

Warning: no valid private certificates found for profile “Nis - Development (94SJ5VPG56)”

Public certificate: iPhone Developer: Yuval Forish (56ACQA5KGW) [D8B8AC1881D3CF2CDA25DB4AC0613E0B7B038B36]

Provisioning file: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/8abec590-86a4-432d-8947-7588fc0b68e7.mobileprovision



Hi Yuval,

I’m not sure what advice I can provide. Certificates are an Apple and OS X thing; we have no control over them. I have never seen those warnings personally. If you can build and install your app, that’s at least a positive aspect in this.

Best regards,


Hi Brent,

I don’t have under the ~/Library foder the MobileDevice folder  - Maybe it is related ? (Becuase I unserstand that this is the location where the certificate and provisioning files located).

Hi Yuval,

That folder should be present. At this time, I would recommend removing all certificates and provisioning profiles, updating to the latest version of Xcode, and starting from the beginning of the guide.


Thanks Brent,

I have able to locate the folder and the problem was that there were 4 provisionion files located in the folder. I have deleted the obsolute 3 files and maintain only the active provisioning file and all goods - Thanks.
