I am trying to install my application for the first time on my iOS.
When I copy the build file with iTune and click the Sync button I am getting the following error on my iPhone:
"iTun Sync
1 item coudnot be syncedd.see iTunes for more information:"
- Where can i see ehy the sync faild on the iTunes ?
BTW (I don’t know if it is related) but when I bulild the application I got the following warnning in the build consule :
Warning: no valid private certificates found for profile “Nis - Development (94SJ5VPG56)”
Public certificate: iPhone Developer: Yuval Forish (56ACQA5KGW) [D8B8AC1881D3CF2CDA25DB4AC0613E0B7B038B36]
Provisioning file: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/8abec590-86a4-432d-8947-7588fc0b68e7.mobileprovision