Cannot install iOS app with iTune


I am trying to install my application for the first time on my iOS.

When I copy the build file with iTune and click the Sync button I am getting the following error on my iPhone:

"iTun Sync

1 item coudnot be syncedd.see iTunes for more information:"

  1. Where can i see ehy the sync faild on the iTunes ?

BTW (I don’t know if it is related) but when I bulild the application I got the following warnning in the build consule :

Warning: no valid private certificates found for profile “Nis - Development (94SJ5VPG56)”

Public certificate: iPhone Developer: Yuval Forish (56ACQA5KGW) [D8B8AC1881D3CF2CDA25DB4AC0613E0B7B038B36]

Provisioning file: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/8abec590-86a4-432d-8947-7588fc0b68e7.mobileprovision



Hi Yuval,

If you’re getting the error/warning in the build stage (not the sync stage), then something is wrong with your provisioning/certificate setup. Have you successfully built an app in the past on the same machine, or is this your first time?

Best regards,


Hi Brent,

This is the first time that I am trying to do this. I must say that I have run the provisioning/certificate setup few times as I was facing some issues but after few attempts I was able to do the provisioning/certificate setup.


Can you install the app via Xcode?



I am able to install it with Xcode. But why it give me the warning during the build ?


Hi Yuval,

What “type” of provisioning profile are you using when the warning appears? The three types are outlined in the guide under “Creating Provisioning Profiles”:

Hi Brent,

I am using the Development provisioning.

Hi Yuval,

I just tested and I am able to successfully build an app for “development” and install it using iTunes, as described in our guide. Please go back into the Apple Developer portal and confirm that your provisioning is set up correctly, and that Apple is not showing any errors/issues in the portal.


Hi Brent,

I didn’t saw any issue with the provisioning  in Apple, but still I delete the provisioning/certification and start all over again.

Now the good news that I am able to Sync the app with iTune but when I am starting the BUILD prcess I am getting the 3 warninig messages.

Any suggestion how I can handle this issue and elimante them ? 

Warning: no valid private certificates found for profile “Nis - Development (94SJ5VPG56)”

Public certificate: iPhone Developer: Yuval Forish (56ACQA5KGW) [2B0510277AD3236656EC25F6819A912B37FAD570]

Provisioning file: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/4bc20157-e27e-47ad-a1d4-3281be49f088.mobileprovision

Warning: no valid private certificates found for profile “Nis - Development (94SJ5VPG56)”

Public certificate: iPhone Developer: Yuval Forish (56ACQA5KGW) [99478767A1A27B2A25CA597FAC18FE7CD3018750]

Provisioning file: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/696bbb8e-a7fa-48ff-83c1-4bcaf3f21c0e.mobileprovision

Warning: no valid private certificates found for profile “Nis - Development (94SJ5VPG56)”

Public certificate: iPhone Developer: Yuval Forish (56ACQA5KGW) [D8B8AC1881D3CF2CDA25DB4AC0613E0B7B038B36]

Provisioning file: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/8abec590-86a4-432d-8947-7588fc0b68e7.mobileprovision



Hi Yuval,

I’m not sure what advice I can provide. Certificates are an Apple and OS X thing; we have no control over them. I have never seen those warnings personally. If you can build and install your app, that’s at least a positive aspect in this.

Best regards,


Hi Brent,

I don’t have under the ~/Library foder the MobileDevice folder  - Maybe it is related ? (Becuase I unserstand that this is the location where the certificate and provisioning files located).

Hi Yuval,

That folder should be present. At this time, I would recommend removing all certificates and provisioning profiles, updating to the latest version of Xcode, and starting from the beginning of the guide.


Thanks Brent,

I have able to locate the folder and the problem was that there were 4 provisionion files located in the folder. I have deleted the obsolute 3 files and maintain only the active provisioning file and all goods - Thanks.


Hi Yuval,

If you’re getting the error/warning in the build stage (not the sync stage), then something is wrong with your provisioning/certificate setup. Have you successfully built an app in the past on the same machine, or is this your first time?

Best regards,


Hi Brent,

This is the first time that I am trying to do this. I must say that I have run the provisioning/certificate setup few times as I was facing some issues but after few attempts I was able to do the provisioning/certificate setup.


Can you install the app via Xcode?



I am able to install it with Xcode. But why it give me the warning during the build ?


Hi Yuval,

What “type” of provisioning profile are you using when the warning appears? The three types are outlined in the guide under “Creating Provisioning Profiles”:

Hi Brent,

I am using the Development provisioning.

Hi Yuval,

I just tested and I am able to successfully build an app for “development” and install it using iTunes, as described in our guide. Please go back into the Apple Developer portal and confirm that your provisioning is set up correctly, and that Apple is not showing any errors/issues in the portal.
