Cannot start Glider 1.9 (Windows Vista)


I just DL and try to run Glider 1.9 but unfortunately it says that Glider is not compatible with the windows version I have. This is kind of strange since Glider 1.7 works great (by the I LOVE Glider!) Here some info about my PC if that can help:

Windows Vista copyright 2007

service pack 1

Intel Core 2 duo CPU

32-bit Operating system

2 GB memory



Hello Mo,

Nice to hear from you!

Here you go:


M.Y. Developers

10 minutes to get an answer? That’s SCANDAL!!! LOL.

WOW! That was fast. I am deleting the previous version of Glider 1.9 and I will then install the 32 bits version and let you know as soon as possible.

Of course THANK YOU! Can’t wait to see Glider 1.9 in action.


Works like a CHARM!

Thank you guys. As always, your customer service is out of this world!


ps: Quick question: How do you see the variables values by just moving the cursor over them?

Hello Mo,

Thanks, let us know how it works out for you. Be sure to update Glider often during the first week or so.


ps: Quick question: How do you see the variables values by just moving the cursor over them?

You need to be in debug mode and at a breakpoint. You can then hover over something to see its current value instead of looking in the variables tab.

M.Y. Developers

Cool! thank you.


Hello Mo,

Nice to hear from you!

Here you go:


M.Y. Developers

10 minutes to get an answer? That’s SCANDAL!!! LOL.

WOW! That was fast. I am deleting the previous version of Glider 1.9 and I will then install the 32 bits version and let you know as soon as possible.

Of course THANK YOU! Can’t wait to see Glider 1.9 in action.


Works like a CHARM!

Thank you guys. As always, your customer service is out of this world!


ps: Quick question: How do you see the variables values by just moving the cursor over them?

Hello Mo,

Thanks, let us know how it works out for you. Be sure to update Glider often during the first week or so.


ps: Quick question: How do you see the variables values by just moving the cursor over them?

You need to be in debug mode and at a breakpoint. You can then hover over something to see its current value instead of looking in the variables tab.

M.Y. Developers

Cool! thank you.
