Can't connect to gpgs.. :s

Hi there ! : )

So I have fewer problems when trying to get connected to gpgs in my device, my program detects the event.isError but then event.errorMessage is nil…

Here is my build.settings and config.lua setting referring to gpgs utilisation :

Here is the APIs activated on google play dev console :
Capture Capture2

And here is how I try to connect the users :

  • In scene:show -> event.phase = “did” this come to initialize globalData.gpgs requiring the plugin
    this is the globalData.lua file, it is called like showed right there from files that require it:
    Capture8 Capture9

  • Once globalData.gpgs.init is called, we go to his listener (“isInited”) that call globalData.gpgs.login :

  • So here is what is doing “isLogedIn” function, the listener of the globalData.gpgs.login call :

On the screen of my device, we enter in “if event.isError == true” but “logo.four” that must display the event.errorMessage shows “login error : nil”, in the documentation event.errorMessage must not be nil if error.isError is true.

Also, when I tried first with ""login error : “…event.errorMessage” instead of ""login error : “…tostring(event.errorMessage)”, nothink was showed on screen…

Any Idea ? : p

EDIT : I tried to use gpgs instead of gpgs.v2 and the errorMessage is now “login error : app misconfigured”, but the last event phase is now “logged in” instead of “cancelled”.