Can't create collision event with player moved by a joystick control

I have been watching the latest Corona Hangouts on YouTube and have been learning a lot.  For my new app I wanted to make things more object-oriented.    So I used a separate “class” file for the player, enemy and joystick.  However, I am having trouble trying to create a collision event with the player and enemy.

I read that when you add physics to an object, you can’t move it the same way you move a regular display object (e.g. player.x = player.x + 1), because the physics body will stay in place.  Does this mean I would require a weld joint?  Then how would I move it?  With a linear impulse or force?

Anyhow, this is what I had in my player class.  I will show the parts where it reacts to a joystick movement (which is currently working) and then I attempt to set up a collision listener:


local Player = {} function local playerGroup = display.newGroup() local player = display.newCircle(playerGroup, 0, 0, display.contentWidth\*0.02) — For easy reference playerGroup.obj = player -- Movement handler, for the "direction" custom event function playerGroup:direction(event) -- Multi-direction controller local angle = event.angle local dX = Cos( Rad(angle-360) ) if (dX \< 0 and self.x \> self.minX) or (dX \> 0 and self.x \< self.maxX) then self.x = self.x + dX end local dY = -Sin( Rad(angle-360) ) if (dY \< 0 and self.y \> self.minY) or (dY \> 0 and self.y \< self.maxY) then self.y = self.y + dY end return true end function playerGroup:kill() Runtime:removeEventListener("direction", self) end -- Collision detection function playerGroup:collision(self, event) print("collision: ", event.phase) if event.phase == "began" then print("ouch!") end end playerGroup:addEventListener("collision”) -- Listen for custom event 'direction' from joystick Runtime:addEventListener("direction", playerGroup) return playerGroup end return Player

Then in my main code I create the player and enemy:

 local plib = require("player") player = group:insert(player) physics.addBody(player, "kinematic", {isSensor = false}) local elib = require("enemy") enemy[id] = group:insert(enemy[id]) physics.addBody(enemy[id], "kinematic", {isSensor = false})

So this example above does not work, because I don’t see any event generated when my player runs into the enemy.

What am I doing wrong here?

Hi @dislam,

The specific issue here is that you’re trying to get a collision between two “kinematic” objects. In Box2D, at least one of the objects (or both) must be “dynamic” to trigger a collision.

Take care,


Ahh… I just realized that.  But if I changed one to dynamic, won’t it fall due to gravity? Or do I need to set the gravityScale to 0? 

Also, I noticed I am actually adding the player *group* to the physics body, not the player object itself.  Is that wrong?


Hi @dislam,

Yes, dynamic objects will be affected by gravity. If you don’t need gravity for anything else, then set the entire world’s gravity to 0. Otherwise, you can control gravity on a specific object by setting its .gravityScale to 0, and it will be immune to gravity while everything else remains the same.

I don’t recommend that you apply physics bodies to an entire display group. It’s technically legal, but it usually causes more confusion and issues than is worthwhile. It’s much better to add bodies to individual non-group display objects.

Take care,


Hi @dislam,

The specific issue here is that you’re trying to get a collision between two “kinematic” objects. In Box2D, at least one of the objects (or both) must be “dynamic” to trigger a collision.

Take care,


Ahh… I just realized that.  But if I changed one to dynamic, won’t it fall due to gravity? Or do I need to set the gravityScale to 0? 

Also, I noticed I am actually adding the player *group* to the physics body, not the player object itself.  Is that wrong?


Hi @dislam,

Yes, dynamic objects will be affected by gravity. If you don’t need gravity for anything else, then set the entire world’s gravity to 0. Otherwise, you can control gravity on a specific object by setting its .gravityScale to 0, and it will be immune to gravity while everything else remains the same.

I don’t recommend that you apply physics bodies to an entire display group. It’s technically legal, but it usually causes more confusion and issues than is worthwhile. It’s much better to add bodies to individual non-group display objects.

Take care,
