can't current scene and also how to create a half way scene to overlap the current

local widget = require ("widget") local composer = require( "composer" ) local scene = composer.newScene() local background = display.newImage("") --hide keyboard function background:tap(event) native.setKeyboardFocus(nil) end background:addEventListener("tap", background) local currScene = composer.getSceneName( "main" ) local login= widget.newButton( { left = 0, top = 450, id = "login", label = "LOGIN", onEvent = handleButtonEvent } ) function login:touch(event) if (event.phase == "ended") then composer.removeScene("main",true) composer.gotoScene("mainpage",{effect = "crossfade",time = 200}) end return true; end login:addEventListener("touch",login); local signup = widget.newButton( { left = 150, top = 450, id = "signup", label = "SIGN UP", onEvent = handleButtonEvent } ) function signup:touch(event) if (event.phase == "ended") then composer.removeScene("main",true) composer.gotoScene("registration1",{effect = "crossfade",time = 200}) end end signup:addEventListener("touch",signup) scene:addEventListener( "create", scene) local username = display.newText("USERNAME",110,70, native.systemFont,18) username:setFillColor(1,1,1) local password = display.newText("PASSWORD",110,210, native.systemFont,18) password:setFillColor(1,1,1) --Textboxes local usernamebox = native.newTextField(160,120,220,40) usernamebox.size = 16 username:addEventListener("userinput", username) local passwordbox = native.newTextField(160,260,220,40) passwordbox.size = 16 local feedback = display.newText("",130,140,native.systemFont,14) function username:userinput(event) if (event.phase == "began") then = "" feedback.text = "PLEASE ENTER YOUR USERNAME OR EMAIL ADDRESS" elseif (event.phase == "editing") then feedback.text = event.startPosition end end --creating scenes

Composer supports something called Overlays. You can have an overlay scene show on top of an existing scene. By not making the background of the scene full-screen, you can create partial screen overlays.

An overlay scene is just like a regular scene (and the non-full screen background if you wish) but instead of calling composer.gotoScene() you call composer.showOverlay(). When you want to dismiss the overlay, you call composer.hideOverlay(). The hide overlay does not support transitions, but the showOverlay an have transitions like regular scenes do.


ohk what i was trying to earlier was in my code posted above why can’t my current scene hide for the new one to show but rather the 2 all show and i get an error

I would like you to read this forum post:

It will really help you get better answers to questions and will teach you how to ask better questions. Your first post didn’t have a question, the question was asked in the title, but there isn’t nearly enough information. We had no idea you were getting an error. If you’re scenes are not behaving and you’re getting an error, then its because of the error.

We still don’t know what the error is.  Please go to the Corona console log and copy/pasted the entire error message. That will give us something to start with.


Composer supports something called Overlays. You can have an overlay scene show on top of an existing scene. By not making the background of the scene full-screen, you can create partial screen overlays.

An overlay scene is just like a regular scene (and the non-full screen background if you wish) but instead of calling composer.gotoScene() you call composer.showOverlay(). When you want to dismiss the overlay, you call composer.hideOverlay(). The hide overlay does not support transitions, but the showOverlay an have transitions like regular scenes do.


ohk what i was trying to earlier was in my code posted above why can’t my current scene hide for the new one to show but rather the 2 all show and i get an error

I would like you to read this forum post:

It will really help you get better answers to questions and will teach you how to ask better questions. Your first post didn’t have a question, the question was asked in the title, but there isn’t nearly enough information. We had no idea you were getting an error. If you’re scenes are not behaving and you’re getting an error, then its because of the error.

We still don’t know what the error is.  Please go to the Corona console log and copy/pasted the entire error message. That will give us something to start with.
