Can't get rid of old Provisioning Profiles

My hard drive crashed on my apple.  So, I had to create the provisioning profiles again.  I tried to “modify” the instructions found at to deal with the fact that the stuff installed on was already there, but it didn’t work.

So, I started over again.

I even deleted all provisioning profiles from my phone.

And I deleted them from xcode - (click on my iphone -> show provisiing profiles) and it lists 6 of them.  I deleted them one at a time.  Yet, when I go to provision profiles under Certificates Identifiers and Profiles it only lists 1.

So when I tried to build for device I get Warning: no valid private certificate found for profile “…” (name of one of the old profiles.)

What can I do?  How can I get rid of those things once and for all?  Then after you give me those instructions, do I have to go through all the instructions again?

Hi @universalenglishinchina,

In Xcode, did you do the following?

  1. From Xcode’s main menu, select “Preferences…”

  2. With the “Accounts” tab selected, choose your account name.

  3. In the lower-right side of the window, click “View Details…”

  4. For each item under “Signing Identities”, select it, click the “gear” icon below, and select “Revoke…”

  5. Lower down, under “Provisioning Profiles”, select any item, right-click, and choose “Show in Finder”.

  6. In the window that opens, select ALL of the items and delete (trash) them.

  7. Back in Xcode, in that same window you opened before, click the “refresh” button in the lower left, and see if that clears out all profiles.

  8. Restart Xcode, Corona, and even the entire computer, then start the entire process over through the Apple Developer portal as outlined in this guide:


When I did step 2, there were no accounts listed.

Should I add my id?  I never did this before and I installed stuff successfully before.


I went ahead and created my id.

I got a list of “Certificates not found”  like

The Developer ID Installer Certificate for "(my company name)

The Developer ID Application Certificate for "(my company name)

The Mac Installer Distribution Certificate for "(my company name)


I then did the steps you said - I found all 6 provisioning profiles.  I revoked them.  Then deleted them then emptied trash, however when I clicked refresh they all popped their ugly heads up again.

Ok, after getting all frustrated, I shut down computer and restarted.  All the old profiles went away.   YEAH!!!

Now, it says Could not complete build because there were compile errors in Lua file: /Users/markisgardner/Desktop/Corona Work/Musical Circle/Menu.lua
but it doesn’t say where.

How can I find the bug???  I am asking my programmer to look at it, but I want to try to figure it out while I am learning.

I appreciate your all’s help.


There should be a terminal window open that will have error messages in it.


Hi @universalenglishinchina,

In Xcode, did you do the following?

  1. From Xcode’s main menu, select “Preferences…”

  2. With the “Accounts” tab selected, choose your account name.

  3. In the lower-right side of the window, click “View Details…”

  4. For each item under “Signing Identities”, select it, click the “gear” icon below, and select “Revoke…”

  5. Lower down, under “Provisioning Profiles”, select any item, right-click, and choose “Show in Finder”.

  6. In the window that opens, select ALL of the items and delete (trash) them.

  7. Back in Xcode, in that same window you opened before, click the “refresh” button in the lower left, and see if that clears out all profiles.

  8. Restart Xcode, Corona, and even the entire computer, then start the entire process over through the Apple Developer portal as outlined in this guide:


When I did step 2, there were no accounts listed.

Should I add my id?  I never did this before and I installed stuff successfully before.


I went ahead and created my id.

I got a list of “Certificates not found”  like

The Developer ID Installer Certificate for "(my company name)

The Developer ID Application Certificate for "(my company name)

The Mac Installer Distribution Certificate for "(my company name)


I then did the steps you said - I found all 6 provisioning profiles.  I revoked them.  Then deleted them then emptied trash, however when I clicked refresh they all popped their ugly heads up again.

Ok, after getting all frustrated, I shut down computer and restarted.  All the old profiles went away.   YEAH!!!

Now, it says Could not complete build because there were compile errors in Lua file: /Users/markisgardner/Desktop/Corona Work/Musical Circle/Menu.lua
but it doesn’t say where.

How can I find the bug???  I am asking my programmer to look at it, but I want to try to figure it out while I am learning.

I appreciate your all’s help.


There should be a terminal window open that will have error messages in it.
