My hard drive crashed on my apple. So, I had to create the provisioning profiles again. I tried to “modify” the instructions found at to deal with the fact that the stuff installed on was already there, but it didn’t work.
So, I started over again.
I even deleted all provisioning profiles from my phone.
And I deleted them from xcode - (click on my iphone -> show provisiing profiles) and it lists 6 of them. I deleted them one at a time. Yet, when I go to provision profiles under Certificates Identifiers and Profiles it only lists 1.
So when I tried to build for device I get Warning: no valid private certificate found for profile “…” (name of one of the old profiles.)
What can I do? How can I get rid of those things once and for all? Then after you give me those instructions, do I have to go through all the instructions again?