Can't run apps Samsung Galaxy S24

It appears that Solar2d apps use only armeabi-v7a architecture which means this ABI is for 32-bit ARM CPUs. If I am understanding this right, does this mean that phones that only support 64 bit architecture cannot run Solar2d apps? Samsung Galaxy S24 is a phone that only supports 64 bit architecture, so does that mean this app cannot run Solard2d apps.

When downloading an apk file built from Solar2d on the S24, my android phone says “App not installed as app is not compatible with your phone”


Deprecated armeabi-v7a support was completely removed more than a year ago with version 2024.3702. You can build your apps and run it on most recent devices but you need to use .aab files for that. Here is the related documentation:

@bgmadclown armeabi-v7a and armeabi are different, armeabi is obsolete and armeabi-v7a is not, see [ANDROID]: runtime bug - Google Play Console reporting unsupported ABI (armeabi) - Deadline Jan 2, 2024 · Issue #662 · coronalabs/corona · GitHub.

Only support 64 bits and do not support 32 bits of the case, the mobile phone has not been popular, the current hardware supports 32 bits, so the S24 should be able to run 32-bit programs. Even with popularity, newer versions of Solar2D support at least 64-bit runtimes and do not include only 32-bit runtimes unless artificially set.

@dkeehn So I would like to ask where you downloaded the apk from? Developer may be using a 2019 or earlier version of Solar2D/Corona, or using a lower version of the target SDK API (starting with Android 14, apps with a targetSdkVersion lower than 23 can’t be installed).
Or if you are a developer, please build with a newer version of Solar2D.

Sorry, my mistake. I remember this being in the release notes and didn’t see your discussion with Vlad about that.

About the problem, I had friends/testers say that their phone doesn’t allow loading APK files directly with similar messages. That might be the problem @dkeehn is facing.

The version of Solar2d being used is 2024.3710, so I don’t think an outdated version should be the problem. It looks like the Target sdk version is 27. The problem was someone else was trying to download the apk file on their phone directly, so the problem @bgmadclown mentioned in the latest comment might be the issue.

If this is the problem, than what would you suggest the best way to download the app on the phone would be? I appreciate the help and quick response! Let me know if providing more information would be helpful as well.

I added those people/devices to Google Play as internal testers and published test versions through this channel. That was my workaround. There might be other solutions on the Internet though.

That’s weird, one of the things I know is that it might not install properly because of the debug compilation. Can you use adb install and then see what error code is reported? There may be an error like this android - ADB Install Fails With INSTALL_FAILED_TEST_ONLY - Stack Overflow.