Cant see button using shape construction

I dont understand why İ cant create the button with shape construction. With this code there is a clickable button and the event is called but I cant see the rounded rectangle im trying to create. I can only see the label. I attached a screen shot.

local widget = require("widget"); local composer = require( "composer" ) local scene = composer.newScene() \_W = display.viewableContentWidth; \_H = display.viewableContentHeight; -- Function to handle button events local function handleButtonEvent( event ) if ( "ended" == event.phase ) then print( "Button was pressed and released" ) end end -- Create the widget local button2 = widget.newButton { label = "button", onEvent = handleButtonEvent, emboss = true, --properties for a rounded rectangle button... shape="roundedRect", width = \_W\*0.6, height = \_H\*0.2, cornerRadius = 10, fillColor = { default={73/255,16/255,93/255, 1}, over={ 29/255,12/255,46/255, 1 } }, strokeColor = { default={ 1, 0.4, 0, 1 }, over={ 0.8, 0.8, 1, 1 } }, strokeWidth = 4 } -- Center the button button2.anchorX = 0 button2.anchorY = 0 button2.x = \_W\*0.6 button2.y = \_H\*0.2 -- Change the button's label text button2:setLabel( "Shape" ) return scene

What version of Corona SDK are you using?

Thank you Rob, it was a version problem.

Could you post the version number that fixed the problem?


What version of Corona SDK are you using?

Thank you Rob, it was a version problem.

Could you post the version number that fixed the problem?
