Cant Seem to Build Html5 - build error 12 and log

i am trying to build the basic Html5 helloworld program

I have tried so many different things ,

but just cant seem to get the helloworld Html5 to build. here is my log it says something about no files

03:53:03.981  Corona Simulator 2020.3574 (Feb 10 2020 10:19:25)
03:53:03.981  Copyright © 2009-2020  C o r o n a   L a b s   I n c .
03:53:03.981      Version: 3.0.0
03:53:03.981      Build: 2020.3574
03:53:03.981  Platform: SM-G900S / x64 / 10.0 / Intel® Iris™ Pro Graphics 5200 / 4.3.0 - Build / 2020.3574 / en_GB | GB | en_GB | en
03:53:03.981  Loading project from:   C:\Users\W10-PC\Desktop\HelloWorld
03:53:03.981  Project sandbox folder: C:\Users\W10-PC\AppData\Local\Corona Labs\Corona Simulator\Sandbox\helloworld-A1DBF2095723DBE16742B37BA04B7931\Documents

03:53:18.135  Using custom build id from app bundle: 00000 (AppSettings.lua)
03:53:18.135  Using custom Build Id 00000
03:53:18.135  HTML5 builder started
03:53:25.839  No files in C:\Users\W10-PC\AppData\Local\Tmp\Corona Labs\CLtmpa12272\webapp

03:54:13.645  Using custom build id from app bundle: 00000 (AppSettings.lua)
03:54:13.645  Using custom Build Id 00000
03:54:13.645  HTML5 builder started
03:54:21.280  No files in C:\Users\W10-PC\AppData\Local\Tmp\Corona Labs\CLtmpa10328\webapp

03:54:32.016  Using custom build id from app bundle: 00000 (AppSettings.lua)
03:54:32.016  Using custom Build Id 00000
03:54:32.016  HTML5 builder started
03:54:39.607  No files in C:\Users\W10-PC\AppData\Local\Tmp\Corona Labs\CLtmpa06388\webapp

also tried different versions of corona to build html5, same result

**** all other builds are fine android ios windows etc ****

Thanks for the details.  I have a question and a suggestion for an alternate test.

  1. Is the HTML 5 Helloworld program something you type in by following a tutorial on the site, or is it one of the sample that comes with Corona?  If it is the prior, you may have made at typo or forgotten a file or setting in a file?

  2. Try the fishies sample that comes with Corona.

  • Start simulator

  • Click ‘samples’ link on launch screen.

  • Double click ‘fishies’ under Graphics section.

  • Build HTML5 target.

Note: I just did this with 2019.3513 with success.  Try your version first, but you may want to roll back a ways and see if it works on an older build.  Then we can hunt down when it broke (if it did.)

I just successfully built fishies with version 2020.3574 too.  You should try a different sample and if that works, check your  other code because there may a problem.  You can compare your files (config.lua, build.settings, …) to the fishies example.

10:17:09.972 Copyright (C) 2009-2020 C o r o n a L a b s I n c . 10:17:09.972 Version: 3.0.0 10:17:09.972 Build: 2020.3574 10:17:09.982 Platform: GenericAndroidDevice / x64 / 10.0 / GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 / 4.6.0 NVIDIA 436.30 / 2020.3574 / en\_US | US | en\_US | en 10:17:09.982 Loading project from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona Labs\Corona\Sample Code\Graphics\Fishies 10:17:09.982 Project sandbox folder: C:\Users\emaur\AppData\Local\Corona Labs\Corona Simulator\Sandbox\fishies-F32DCB45A2EA6755593C7FF39278090E\Documents 10:17:19.955 Using custom build id from app bundle: 00000 (AppSettings.lua) 10:17:19.955 10:17:19.955 Using custom Build Id 00000 10:17:19.955 HTML5 builder started 10:17:22.979 .data file map (size/name) 10:17:22.979 Size = 265, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic\_launcher.xml 10:17:22.979 Size = 1564, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic\_launcher.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 1366, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic\_launcher\_foreground.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 1127, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic\_launcher.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 990, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic\_launcher\_foreground.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 2272, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic\_launcher.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 1850, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic\_launcher\_foreground.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 3439, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic\_launcher.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 2934, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic\_launcher\_foreground.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 5022, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic\_launcher.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 4027, /AndroidResources/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic\_launcher\_foreground.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 121, /AndroidResources/res/values/values.xml 10:17:22.979 Size = 134321, /aquariumbackgroundIPhone.jpg 10:17:22.979 Size = 132004, /aquariumbackgroundIPhoneLandscape.jpg 10:17:22.979 Size = 32990, /bubble\_strong\_wav.wav 10:17:22.979 Size = 577, /build.settings 10:17:22.979 Size = 6093, / 10:17:22.979 Size = 5925, / 10:17:22.979 Size = 1474, /Icon.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 1936, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json 10:17:22.979 Size = 14682, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-1024.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 4205, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-120.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 4889, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-152.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 5371, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-167.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 4898, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-180.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 1137, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-40.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 1817, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-58.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 2520, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-76.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 2606, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-80.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 6252, /Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-87.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 62, /Images.xcassets/Contents.json 10:17:22.979 Size = 1792, /LaunchScreen.storyboardc/01J-lp-oVM-view-Ze5-6b-2t3.nib 10:17:22.979 Size = 1872, /LaunchScreen.storyboardc/designable.storyboard 10:17:22.979 Size = 258, /LaunchScreen.storyboardc/Info.plist 10:17:22.979 Size = 832, /LaunchScreen.storyboardc/UIViewController-01J-lp-oVM.nib 10:17:22.979 Size = 283, /ReadMe.txt 10:17:22.979 Size = 3988, / 10:17:22.979 Size = 50131, /widget\_theme\_android.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 118927, /widget\_theme\_android@2x.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 19552, /widget\_theme\_android\_holo\_dark.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 44161, /widget\_theme\_android\_holo\_dark@2x.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 82090, /widget\_theme\_android\_holo\_dark@4x.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 20161, /widget\_theme\_android\_holo\_light.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 44277, /widget\_theme\_android\_holo\_light@2x.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 82343, /widget\_theme\_android\_holo\_light@4x.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 53098, /widget\_theme\_ios.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 16476, /widget\_theme\_ios7.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 45783, /widget\_theme\_ios7@2x.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 148641, /widget\_theme\_ios7@4x.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 123632, /widget\_theme\_ios@2x.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 1109, /widget\_theme\_onOff\_mask.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 166, /widget\_theme\_onOff\_mask\_android\_holo.png 10:17:22.979 Size = 1420, /widget\_theme\_pickerWheel\_mask.png 10:17:22.979 Total data file size = 1249728 = 1220KB = 1MB 10:17:23.574 HTML5 builder ended

One more note.  Did you mean the ‘hello world’ sample?  It isn’t specific to HTML5 which is why I was confused.  Anways, I built that with 2020.3574 too.  So, I know it can be done.  

If you can’t build this with 2020.3574. Then, there may be something wrong on your machine.  Be sure you’ve got the latest drivers, etc. installed.

Sorry this isn’t more helpful. :frowning:

Q: What kind of machine are you building on?  It looks like it may be a laptop running Windows 10?

Q: Is this your personal machine or a shared resource?  If the latter, I have to wonder if there is some kind of permissions problem, virus scanner, or …   I’m reaching here, just thinking out loud so to speak.


Thanks so much for your help, it was helloworld from corona samples.

it appears the problem lies with my windows install, i suspect there has been corruption/or file permissions problem


i have managed to build on other machines ok, but just not this one.

i may have to do a fresh install, to get this working.

Roger that.  Good luck with the update.