Can't submit highscore to leaderboard


I’m getting mad trying to solve this. I submit the score using this code: 

function ccLeaderboards( event ) if ( event.type == "ScoreSubmitted" ) then native.showAlert( "Success", "Your score was successfully submitted online.", { "OK" }) end end Runtime:addEventListener( "Leaderboards", ccLeaderboards ) cloud.submitHighScore( leaderboardID, 1000 )

But in the leaderboard it doesn’t show anything (in the website), then it shows me the alert with success but then I get this error in the console:

Corona Cloud: Leaderboard Details: {"error":"User authentication token is not present in the request parameters."}  

But this is strange because I’ve logged in successfully in CoronaCloud.

Thank you a lot,


How are you logging in?

Can you show that code?

Can you also print out your auth token :  print(cloud.authToken)

It’s a little bit complicated to show my code because it’s a lot of code…Now I’m sure that the problem is the authToken not sent correctly so I’m trying to solve it by myself. I will keep you updated if I can definitely solve this.

One last curiosity: do you know when will be updated the corona gameNetwork sample on github working with all resolutions? What about the release date for google play game services in a daily build?

Thank you again for you help,


What happens when you try and print(cloud.AuthToken)?

I don’t have answers on either the gameNetwork update or Google Play’s game services.

It prints an empty string “” but I’m trying to solve it.

If it’s empty, you are not logged in.  Logging in sets the authToken.  You can either save that authToken and on app-restart, basically set it back, or you can login each time.  But you need to make sure you are really getting logged in.

How are you logging in?

Can you show that code?

Can you also print out your auth token :  print(cloud.authToken)

It’s a little bit complicated to show my code because it’s a lot of code…Now I’m sure that the problem is the authToken not sent correctly so I’m trying to solve it by myself. I will keep you updated if I can definitely solve this.

One last curiosity: do you know when will be updated the corona gameNetwork sample on github working with all resolutions? What about the release date for google play game services in a daily build?

Thank you again for you help,


What happens when you try and print(cloud.AuthToken)?

I don’t have answers on either the gameNetwork update or Google Play’s game services.

It prints an empty string “” but I’m trying to solve it.

If it’s empty, you are not logged in.  Logging in sets the authToken.  You can either save that authToken and on app-restart, basically set it back, or you can login each time.  But you need to make sure you are really getting logged in.