Catch Corona SDK initialization


Making program for Android. Need to use native java code, and if device has no Open GL, exit after 10-15 sec with out start Corona SDK, because when Corona SDK start, I have crash on this device.

I know how to get info about Open GL, but can not stop Corona SDK launch.

Is it possible to do?


No one know? :frowning:

Maybe this link can help you:

I see now you said you already know how to detect OpenGL info.

If you want to exit the Corona runtime you could use the Lua calls native.requestExit() or os.exit().

Be careful with os.exit()as it terminates the app immediately and can be perceived as a crash. Always use native.requestExit() whenever you can.

I can not use Lua calls, because i need to do it, before Corona SDK loaded. When Corona SDK loaded, it start OpenGL and i get error. So i need catch Corona SDK loading in native state, and exit before Corona SDK loaded, but after Android SDK loaded and sent all information to Google play.

Sorry for my english :frowning:

No idea?

Sorry, but I have no help to give. It’s a bit of an unusual request.


\<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000"/\>

in the manifest will be enough to prevent the app from being downloaded if the device has no OpenGL capabilities.

It will be effective when someone tries to download the app from any of the Android stores (Google Play etc). If the device doesn’t have OpenGL they can’t download the app.

No, sorry, app have to be download and start, but after it must to write about can not be start. So we need use only native, and do not start Corona SDK. Now we do it with sleep in main Thread, but we want stop not all app, we want to stop only Corona SDK loading.

No one know? :frowning:

Maybe this link can help you:

I see now you said you already know how to detect OpenGL info.

If you want to exit the Corona runtime you could use the Lua calls native.requestExit() or os.exit().

Be careful with os.exit()as it terminates the app immediately and can be perceived as a crash. Always use native.requestExit() whenever you can.

I can not use Lua calls, because i need to do it, before Corona SDK loaded. When Corona SDK loaded, it start OpenGL and i get error. So i need catch Corona SDK loading in native state, and exit before Corona SDK loaded, but after Android SDK loaded and sent all information to Google play.

Sorry for my english :frowning:

No idea?

Sorry, but I have no help to give. It’s a bit of an unusual request.


\<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000"/\>

in the manifest will be enough to prevent the app from being downloaded if the device has no OpenGL capabilities.

It will be effective when someone tries to download the app from any of the Android stores (Google Play etc). If the device doesn’t have OpenGL they can’t download the app.

No, sorry, app have to be download and start, but after it must to write about can not be start. So we need use only native, and do not start Corona SDK. Now we do it with sleep in main Thread, but we want stop not all app, we want to stop only Corona SDK loading.