I have two lines of text.but it display like this
"The love story happened in 4weddings and a funeral. Actors did
not attend any birthday party."
but i need center alignment
"The love story happened in 4weddings and a funeral. Actors did
not attend any birthday party."
mycode is:
local explText = display.newText(“The love story happened in 4weddings and a funeral. Actors did not attend any birthday party.”, 0, 0, 300, 25, nil, 10)
explText:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
explText.x = display.contentWidth/2
explText.y = display.contentHeight/2
when i used the code below code the text is centered but text is missing and only one line visible
local explText = display.newText(“The love story happened in 4weddings and a funeral. Actors did not attend any birthday party.”, 0, 0, nil, 10)
explText:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
explText.x = display.contentWidth/2
explText.y = display.contentHeight/2
and there is no center alignment in corona for more than two lines of text.
how i get center alignment for more than one lines?