CFBundleLocalizations – Traditional Chinese?


The CFBundleLocalizations takes two-digit localization strings. However, I need to add both simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese. When I add “zh”, simplified Chinese is activated. How do I add traditional Chinese?

Context: I think system.getPreference(“locale”, “language”) can only be called when the language is activated in build.settings, otherwise it will return your default language.

Not sure if you are interested but I have been using GBC Language Cabinet and I don’t put anything in my build settings.

To get the language I use:


This is a helper function that will return the 2 character language code currently set on the device.

Not sure if you are interested but I have been using GBC Language Cabinet and I don’t put anything in my build settings.

To get the language I use:


This is a helper function that will return the 2 character language code currently set on the device.