Change in purchase behavior?

Is there a change in purchase actions by players regarding already published apps visible?

I have noticed a drop in purchases regarding to download numbers recently and wonder if this could be connected to the update to iOS 13+ or something. I am talking about apps which are in the store for many months or years.

Did someone of you see a change in IAPs by same DL numbers?

The update should not effect IAPs for old apps, right?

Sounds like something you should use analytics for. Dont think os updates affect user purcahsing decisions.

Sorry for not getting this written down clear enough… I don’t mean the user behavior. I mean is it possible something on Apple’s side has changed by for example with the new iOS, so the “old” purchase code in older apps is not working correctly, so users can not buy stuff?

I’m not sure about iOS specifically, but EU’s new online purchasing regulations came into effect mid September. This required, among other things, online retailers to verify the user if the purchase exceeded 30€. I doubt that this sum is necessarily met in your app(s), but I would expect that Google Play and App Store would have needed to take this into account somehow. I’m not sure when or where the changes were made or if they are at play here, but it is a possibility.