Change rect position horizontally with for loop?

How will i able to make the 3 box became horizontally and are aligned together since its vertical?  see the pic below

local \_W = display.contentWidth local \_H = display.contentHeight local areaPadding = 12 local topPadding = 16 local answerOffset = 6 local area = answer\_rect.height - (areaPadding\*2.5) local answerHeight = (area-topPadding-(answerOffset\*#q.answers))/#q.answers local textX = numberX + 20 local textW = \_W - textX - 24 for i=1, #q.answers do local y = answer\_rect.y + areaPadding + topPadding + ((answerHeight+answerOffset)\*(i-1)) local rect = display.newRect(quizGroup, \_W\*0.5, y , \_W\*0.5, answerHeight) rect.anchorY = 0 = "answer" rect.index = i rect:setFillColor(0.1) rect:addEventListener("touch", buttonTouched) end