Is there any way to scale only the speed of particles after the emitter has been started?
[import]uid: 62560 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 320144[/import]
When defining your particle type(s), use the paramters “velocityStart” and “velocitychange” to define their start velocity and a velocity change to be applied over time.
Also see the included sample “Sample_Velocity_Change”.
[import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 79115[/import]
Well! That option is for changing the velocity gradually over time right?
My scenario is : When the particles are being emitted, I suddenly need to slow down my game… so the speed of the particles also needs to be changed during Runtime. [import]uid: 62560 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 79116[/import]
Would it be helpful to slow down or speed up particle movements by passing a time factor value to Particles.Update() (passing a value of 1.0 means normal time, 2.0 is double speed, 0.5 is half of the speed).
This would affect ALL particles, however -but without additional performance impact. Adding a per-particle type feature would be way more performance intensive.
If you would like to test this, please drop us a mail so we can send you a test version. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 79732[/import]
I love that idea !
The great thing would be to be able to change this speed on the fly with Particles.SetUpdateSpeed() for example. [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 79768[/import]
Ya scaling time for the Entire particle system is good enough!
will drop in a mail to you!
you guys provide good support!
[import]uid: 62560 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 79791[/import]
I know you’re preparing an update for PC.
Maybe you could think about the following : when freezing, everything stops, cool. But if I move my killing FXFields among the particles, no kill occur.
Could it be a way to freeze (stop movement) but allows FXfields killing events ?
thx. [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 80822[/import]
The freeze mode is not meant to stop the movement of particles only. Although you can set the engine to freeze mode manually, the primary intention of it is to halt the engine while the device / app is in suspend mode, but also if your game is paused, for example, therefore no processing occurs at all while in freeze mode. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 81235[/import]
[import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 81244[/import]
I’d like to be able to set the time scale for individual emitter(s) if not for a certain particle type(s) (at least to test how much it impacts on performance).
Would be nice to be able to create an effect where time slows for everyone else but the player.
Anyways, thanks for the update! [import]uid: 55867 topic_id: 20144 reply_id: 85028[/import]