chartboost ads

My ads in Chartboost are not working… I already have publishing network live in chartboost but still not working… in advertizing network in chartboost need to pay… is there any way can use chartboost ads for free?? Im using this code

  1. local cb = require “ChartboostSDK.chartboost”
  2. local cbdata = require “ChartboostSDK.chartboostdata”
  3. local appId
  4. local appSignature
  5. local environment = system.getInfo( “platformName” )
  6. print(environment)
  7. if environment == “simulator” or environment == “Win” then
  8.     appId = “524a3b8f17ba47435xxxxxxx”
  9.     appSignature = “8a01f0b66289588a98726924827f154ffxxxxxxx”
  10. elseif environment == “Android” then
  11.     appId = “524a3b8f17ba47435xxxxxxx”
  12.     appSignature = “8a01f0b66289588a98726924827f154ffxxxxxxx”
  13. elseif environment == “iPhone OS” or environment == “Mac OS X” then
  14.     appId = “5264856416ba474d53xxxxxxx”
  15.     appSignature = “fa2c5d10035be5b52516ca10e7e99f6fxxxxxxx”
  16.     end
  17. local delegate = {
  18.         shouldRequestInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: shouldRequestInterstitial " … location … “?”); return true end,
  19.         shouldDisplayInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: shouldDisplayInterstitial " … location … “?”); return true end,
  20.         didCacheInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didCacheInterstitial " … location); return end,
  21.         didFailToLoadInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didFailToLoadInterstitial " … location); return end,
  22.         didDismissInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didDismissInterstitial " … location); return end,
  23.         didCloseInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didCloseInterstitial " … location); return end,
  24.         didClickInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didClickInterstitial " … location); return end,
  25.         didShowInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didShowInterstitial " … location); return end,
  26.         shouldDisplayLoadingViewForMoreApps = function() return true end,
  27.         shouldRequestMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: shouldRequestMoreApps”); return true end,
  28.         shouldDisplayMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: shouldDisplayMoreApps”); return true end,
  29.         didCacheMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didCacheMoreApps”); return end,
  30.         didFailToLoadMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didFailToLoadMoreApps”); return end,
  31.         didDismissMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didDismissMoreApps”); return end,
  32.         didCloseMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didCloseMoreApps”); return end,
  33.         didClickMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didClickMoreApps”); return end,
  34.         didShowMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didShowMoreApps”); return end,
  35.         shouldRequestInterstitialsInFirstSession = function() return true end
  36.     }
  37. cb.create{appId = appId,
  38.     appSignature = appSignature,
  39.     delegate = delegate,
  40.     appVersion = “1.0.8”,
  41.     appBundle = “”}
  42. cb.startSession()
  43. cbdata.cacheInterstitialData(“Default”, function(response)
  44.     local ad_id = response[“ad_id”]
  45.     local link =
  46.     print ("Success requesting ad: "…tostring(link))
  47.     cbdata.showInterstitialData(ad_id, function(response)
  48.         print("Success showing ad "…ad_id)
  49.     end, function(error)
  50.         print("Error showing: "…error)
  51.         end)
  52. end, function(error)
  53.     print("Error requesting: "…error)
  54.     end)
  55. function adshow.showmore (adsinfo)
  56.     if adsinfo == “more_games” then
  57.         cb.cacheMoreApps()
  58.         cb.showMoreApps()
  59.     elseif adsinfo == “Interstitial” then
  60.         cb.cacheInterstitial()
  61.         cb.showInterstitial()
  62.         end
  63.     end

More Game are Working Fine but the cb.showInterstitial() and others are not working…

testing mode is working fine