I recieved this email from Chartboost today.
They will be removing the More Apps screen from their SDK this year. This will affect our plugin as well, so if you are using the moreApps screen in your apps I recommend that you start planning to remove it. Also refrain from including it in any new apps you are making.
Excerpt from original email from Chartboost:
Hey there,
[…] This year we will be sunsetting MoreApps, a decision that was hard to make though in the end will allow us to better support the products that help you optimize your monetization strategy. More details below on the timeline and actions items to make this transition as smooth as possible.
Next step: Please begin removing MoreApps from your apps (the product will no longer be supported after July 2017)
Another option: Setup cross-promotion campaigns to continue promoting within your suite of games
July 2017: The date MoreApps will officially no longer be supported or accessible in your dashboard