Panic mode!!! I noticed that all my games (including the upcoming) which uses Chartboost “more apps” are missing the closing button on the top right. It actually missing the top banner as well since I can see my game background above the advertized games.
I know that Chartboost updated their MoreApps so i am assuming that’s the reason I lost the banner and the close button. I can see that in their new system, you can customize the top banner and the close button in the moreApps window. They also said the customization only work ios for now.
The questions are:
1- Did any of you noticed this issue (missing close button)?
2- Anyway to fix that somehow? I tried both an old Chartboost directory and the newest one have the issue so I am assuming the solution is in the dashboard settings.
3- Since they say it won’t work with Android for now, anyway to go back to the old dashboard?
This is very frustrating! For now, I paused all my “more games” campaign since players needs the close button!
Thanks for any suggestions/pointers.
ps: The Chartboost interstitial seems to still work fine (at least they shows up…not sure if they actually works in term of install!)