I’d like to have 50 hour days
hahaha you and me both
With my basic subscription , I made some apps using the Gremling charboost.
Can I use the new Charboost plugin with a basic subscription?
I try to test the new Chartboost with the devices and I see a message , “you are not subscribe to the plugin”
But I have basic before and I was able to build apps with the old Charboost.
I upgraded from start to Basic because , if you want to use the Gremling charboost plugin you need the basic subscription.
that benefit from basic has disappeared now.
At the moment CoronaLabs have made my plugin available for Pro and Enterprise users.
I have asked them to give the same access to my plugin as the previous Gremlin Interactive version as my intention was to give all previous users an updated version with iOS 8 compatibility.
AMAZING!! Thank you. I am still struggling to make it work (iOS) because I am trying to implement it into a Ragdogstudios template but cannot thank you enough for doing this. The lack of Chartboost solution was really a big negative of using Corona recently. I am happy that you fixed that. Now back to fixing my issue! Mo
Oh I almost forget! What is the minimum Corona build# requirement for this plugin? Thanks again. Mo
Hey Mo,
I hope you enjoy the plugin!
The minimum build is 2182.
Here’s the announcement I made today:
@ingemar thanks for the plugin, you’re amazing
@gerdzon sorry to hear that. I don’t get it, Vungle plugin allows video ads too and can be used with Corona Starter, this Chartboost plugin is now written by Ingemar for free for all of us and Corona Labs decides not only to not make it available for everyone but they take the plugin out of people with the Basic License, people like Gerdzon that have that license because of this plugin back then.
I was considering buying a Basic License and a better license with time, but I don’t understand the way Corona Labs is handling this
Perfect! Thank you for letting me know. I will post any issue I have on that link. For now I am pretty sure it is because the Ragdogstudios template I am using is not (obviously ) yet compatible with the plugin. I will contact them for help as well. THANK YOU! Mo
[…] but I don’t understand the way Corona Labs is handling this
I think the access level restriction is an oversight and will be rectified soon…
Thanks ingemar, this is great work! Like many others have said, this is greatly appreciated. I’ve been testing on my iPhone 6 and everything seems to be working great.
Why am I getting
"You are not currently subscribed to the following plugins com.gremlininteractive:plugin.chartboost"
I was using this Charboost plugin without problem earlier. Today I made some source code change (a few lines, not about Chartboost) and when I try to build it, I am getting this error.
What should I do?
Gremlin Interactive has dropped support for the old Chartboost plugin and will not be updating it anymore. I’ve picked up the torch and have released an updated version that is compatible with iOS 8, and Corona Labs has graciously allowed me to host this plugin on their server. This plugin is free.
To access my plugin, you’ll need to change the publisherId in your build settings.
settings = { plugins = { -- key is the name passed to Lua's 'require()' ["plugin.chartboost"] = { -- required publisherId = "com.swipeware", }, }, }
You can find more info in the new documentation here:
Hi, Ingemar
Thanks for the reply. After I reviewed the earlier posts & I found you have taken care of the Chartboost plugin, great job!
I have a question though…
Do you modify the plugin based on Gremlin’s?
Did you modify anything else except using the latest Charboost SDK?
My plugin in 100% compatible with Gremlin Interactive’s plugin interface. So you don’t need to change anything to get your old code to work (except change the publisherId in your build.settings). Once you’ve done that, just compile, and everything will function the same as before.
However this plugin is a re-write in many ways as the old function syntax has been modified and new functions have been added.
To see the differences, I recommend looking at the documentation link I posted above. In it you’ll find the changes you’re asking about and also some deprecated items. I’d recommend to click on the chartboost.init() and chartboost.cache() links as they will provide you with in-depth info on the “event-tree” and different recommended locations to use.
Please note that my documentation only refers to the new function syntax. However, as I mentioned above, the plugin is 100% compatible with the old plugin syntax, so you don’t *need* to change your code for the plugin to function properly.
My recommendation is to change it though, and that new projects should use the new syntax. Again, if you’re in a time-crunch you don’t need to worry as the old syntax will work.
I asked if you had modified the plugin because I had two problems with the original plugin made by Gremlin:
(1) My users have been complaining the storage size of my app keeps growing. I have a function in my app to delete all files in temporary & cache directories and it was working well. However, recently (after I started to use Chartboost plugin) even if I deletes these files, the storage size is still growing, so I am guessing if Chartboost plugin stores cache ads in “Document directory”?
(2) Before I started to use Chartboost plugin, there was no complaints about any crash in my app. But after I started to use it, I got many crash complaints from my users. Therefore I immediately updated my app by removing Chartboost plugin, there was no more complaints about crash. So I was pretty sure Chartboost plugin had caused it.
Hence, I told Gremlin (before they gave up the plugin) about the crash, they “tried” to fix some possible crash. So I included Chartboost plugin again, however I still get crash complaints now and then (although not as many as before). Since the crash does not happen very often (comparing to the user base I have) & I still see revenues from Chartboost, so I decided that I have to live with it.
Since you have rewritten it in many ways, I am actually glad to know and see if the problems above can go away, especially the crash problem.
(1) My plugin doesn’t have any knowledge about where the cached ads are stored. It merely uses the underlying Chartboost SDK to cache ads. I’d assume that Chartboost have implemented methods to clear up their cache so that ads do not increase storage size. In this case you would need to report it directly to Chartboost as I have no control over it.
(2) I’ve rewritten most of the code, and since there’s no licensing involved anymore there are less places where things can go wrong. My plugin is basically just a simple interface between Corona and the Chartboost SDK with as little logic as possible. This eliminates the number of possible error-points.
I’m using Chartboost in my own apps and other Corona developers have implemented my plugin as well. I haven’t been notified of any crashes from any of the other developers or my own users.