I just tried to build my app again (so I think I am using the latest Chartboost)
Now my problem is that I don’t get callback after chartboost.init()
And if I call chartbosst.show(), I also see the crash:
0 libsystem\_platform.dylib 0x3ba93058 \_platform\_strcmp + 0 1 MyApp 0x00264375 Corona::chartboostLibrary::show(lua\_State\*) (ChartboostPlugin.mm:599)
I was advised by Gremlin that don’t call any chartboost function if the license is not validated yet, so I added a flag in the chartboost callback:
if (event.name == "license" and event.status == "valid") then \_isChartboostReady = true end
I check this flag before I call any chartboost.* function. This will avoid the crash.
Hence, I think you (dfoxinator) should have the same problem that you don’t get any callback from Chartboost plugin. Please take a look if you get any callback from Chartboost plugin after init() ?
Now the problem is why there is no callback from chartboost.init() after all?
PS. the weird thing is that I built again with another app, and that app is ok. It’s very confusing now. I have tried several times and confirmed all keys are correct (they were both using Chartboost plugin without problem at the first place), and what I am seeing now is that one app works and the other app has no callback after init() no matter what. There is a log “Invalid Parameter: URL argument was malformed URL” right after I call the init(), I am not sure if this is generated by my own app or Chartboost plugin if this might give some clue?