Chartboost Plugin released!

The thing is the old chartboostSDK that ran in Corona (which I currently use on Android)  worked fine, even in the simulator.  While this one I have no clue what’s going on and keeps failing.

It had a lot of reporting going on 

local delegate = {
        shouldRequestInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: shouldRequestInterstitial " … location … “?”); return true end,
        shouldDisplayInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: shouldDisplayInterstitial " … location … “?”); return true end,
        didCacheInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didCacheInterstitial " … location); return end,
        didFailToLoadInterstitial = function(location, error) print(“Chartboost: didFailToLoadInterstitial " … location)
                        if error then print(”    Error: " … error) end end,
        didDismissInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didDismissInterstitial " … location); return end,
        didCloseInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didCloseInterstitial " … location); return end,
        didClickInterstitial = function(location) print("Chartboost: didClickInterstitial " … location); return end,
        didShowInterstitial = function(location) print(“Chartboost: didShowInterstitial " … location); return end,
        shouldDisplayLoadingViewForMoreApps = function() return true end,
        shouldRequestMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: shouldRequestMoreApps”); return true end,
        shouldDisplayMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: shouldDisplayMoreApps”); return true end,
        didCacheMoreApps = function(error) print(“Chartboost: didCacheMoreApps”)
                        if error then print(”    Error: " … error) end end,
        didFailToLoadMoreApps = function(error) print("Chartboost: didFailToLoadMoreApps: " … error); return end,
        didDismissMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didDismissMoreApps”); return end,
        didCloseMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didCloseMoreApps”); return end,
        didClickMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didClickMoreApps”); return end,
        didShowMoreApps = function() print(“Chartboost: didShowMoreApps”); return end,
        shouldRequestInterstitialsInFirstSession = function() return true end,
        didFailToLoadUrl = function(url, error) print(“Chartboost:didFailToLoadUrl: " … tostring(url))
                        if error then print(”    Error: " … error) end end

These are using two separate systems. The old one is using their rest api I assume, and our one us using their native iOS sdk.

We will be working on this during the weekend also, so we will update this thread when we push a new version out.


Update :

Ok, we have found two issues in our plugin which we believe were preventing the ads from showing (especially cached ads). We have pushed up the fix, and it should be available for you all to use within about two hours or less from the time of posting this message.

We have tested the fix and we always received ads as expected, so that is good news.

To ensure that you have the latest version of the plugin, and so we can ensure that everyone has got the latest version of the plugin, we have added a new function, named getPluginVersion. We will document this in due course, but for now, please see the below code snippet to learn how to use it.

local chartboost = require( "plugin.chartboost" );   -- Get the chartboost plugin version (this is the gremlin interactive plugin version, not the chartboost sdk verison chartboost.getPluginVersion() --[[Should return 1.1 for our latest version of the plugin. If this function fails, then the plugin hasn't been updated on Corona's servers yet. --]]

Also please note, from the Chartboost portal:

Note: Test mode automatically deactivates after 20 impressions

So if your not seeing ads after a while (after testing the latest version of the plugin, of course) it’s more than likely that test mode has been disabled automatically on the Chartboost dashboard, and that live ads are either not configured correctly for a live campaign or other.

We would recommend ensuring that test mode is enabled on the Chartboost dashboard, and you ensure that after setting test mode to enabled, you click ‘done’ and go back to the page and ensure that it is set to enabled. Just to ensure that we can all test under the same circumstances to check whether this issue is resolved for everyone.

So give it about two hours from the time of posting this message, rebuild your apps, and let us know if you experience any further issues.


Has anyone tried this since our latest update (which is live now)?

Yes I did just an hour ago, was working for the short while I tested :slight_smile: cache events were returning events, but didn’t stress test it (cut the internet off the device mid way through the app and then later turn it on again)

Unfortunately though the admob v2 plugin isn’t building this morning so yet another hurdle before I can re-submit my app

Great, glad to hear it. If your submitting an app with the Chartboost plugin enabled, be sure to disable testMode in your init call :wink:


Hi, I just implemented your plugin and I am having a few problems:

  1. When I install my app and open it the first time, the ads do not show. I need to actually quit my app after it is installed (by double pressing home button and swiping app up), and then when I open restart it, the ads show correctly. Obviously, if this is the case in a live app, it’s no good because the first time it’s opened, no ads are showing.

  2. My iPhone5 shows the iPhone4 version of the ad (i.e… there are spaces at each side not covered by my chart boost frame artwork)


I’m going to start testing this today or tomorrow.
I’d appreciate if could you send me the new Enterprise plugins to my email address. :slight_smile:

Seems like there are still a few issues. Hopefully you guys can iron them out soon. I plan on integrating CB in a week or so.

We just pushed another update (v1.2) which now uses the latest version of the chartboost sdk (v4.4) and also should address the issue a user reported where it was only showing ads in the second session.


More updates to come, @ingemar will send you a mail asap.

I just confirmed on a real device that v1.2 of the plugin works well, and even includes callbacks to detect if an ad was displayed and if an ad was clicked. Bravo!

It’s actually worse than 1.1 for me right now

showing ads gives me two carch  events now

Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CHARTBOOST EVENT
Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  phase : cached
Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  type : interstitial
Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  name : chartboost
Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  location : DefaultInterstitial

Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CHARTBOOST EVENT
Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  phase : cached
Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  type : interstitial
Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  name : chartboost
Jun 17 23:07:53 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  location : DefaultInterstitial

Closing  gives me a close event and a cache event

Jun 17 23:08:18 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CHARTBOOST EVENT
Jun 17 23:08:18 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  phase : closed
Jun 17 23:08:18 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  type : interstitial
Jun 17 23:08:18 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  name : chartboost

Jun 17 23:08:18 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CHARTBOOST EVENT
Jun 17 23:08:18 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  phase : cached
Jun 17 23:08:18 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  type : interstitial
Jun 17 23:08:18 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  name : chartboost
Jun 17 23:08:18 ESP OnlyOne[6357] <Warning>: CB  location : DefaultInterstitial

This has made things worse because before I would set a timer to continue the game (if you loose internet access the plugin returns no events) otherwise I wait for show event (cancelling the timer)

please revert back or fix this 

Please test your code and make sure your events are properly setup before submitting this

Even though multiple Cache events are not expected, I can’t see how that affects game-play as long as when calling Show shows the previously cached ad immediately. 

You shouldn’t have to wait for an ad to be cached before starting a game session as you never know when (or if) an ad will be cached at all.

Having said that, I have yet to try this plugin myself.

I’m going to start my own testing as soon as I get the Enterprise version of the plugin.

I don’t care about the caching! :angry: 

I need to know if the ad was “shown”  so that I don’t assume it failed and resume the game. I am no longer getting the ad shown event.  I need this because I resume the game on the close event, and on the fail event, but sometimes you don’t get events when there is no connection to the network so the show event will prevent me from resuming the game.  I suppose I can just respond to cache events, but the events aren’t returning properly

OK, I see your point now. I’ll see how it behaves when I start my own testing.

Although @poon above seems to be getting ‘displayed’ events…

I am getting phase == “willDisplay” when I call and I’m assuming that means an ad was shown.

We do test our code. No need for snide remarks like this.

This whole situation is a double edged sword. Some people say ads don’t display for them, others do. We were trying to see if a failsafe method worked for everyone (along with update to Chartboost’s latest SDK).

We will revert the forced caching, but will remain on the latest Chartboost SDK.

You must all understand that testing is very, very awkward for us. Our internal testing has shown ads reliably ever since v1.1, but for others did not.

There is no way of us including other people in testing without doing an update. The only way we could include someone else in the testing process, would be if some other enterprise user, such as Ingemar, was kind enough to devote a little time to test out our new versions.

This is the nature of the beast, unfortunately, due to the way Corona’s system works. Our hands are tied due to this. So please take that into consideration. Our testing has worked 100%, we don’t just slop anything out there.

We are practically trying to solve some of these things blind.

That been said, if you are unhappy about this and cannot accept the nature of the game, which we have to put up with… Then if it’s been less than 30 days since you purchased the Chartboost plugin, then we will refund you.

We will get to the bottom of this, one way or another, just realise that being shackled makes this difficult.


If you can send me the latest Enterprise plugin I’ll start doing some testing very soon.

Sure thing, let me just get on my mac and i’ll send you v1.2a to try.

Appreciate the second set of eyes. Thank you

My first problem of ads not showing on first session has been fixed with the new version. Don’t know if my second problem is a Chartboost issue but the artwork I made for the iPhone 5 custom frame doesn’t fill up the screen. It leaves small gaps on each side. I used their template to size it. Not the end of the world I know, but as an artist I wish I could fix that. Ernest, a quick fix for you could be to show the ad at a natural break in the game and have the player press a button to restart. That way you won’t need to rely on tracking when and if the ad was shown.