I have gotten ads to finally show but this plugin for a short bit, but then it stopped. I think a big problem is it doesn’t give detailed events on what is going on
First off, chartboostPlugin.cache() either will return nothing or it will return
Jun 12 19:33:59 ESP OnlyOne[3625] <Warning>: CB phase : failed
Jun 12 19:33:59 ESP OnlyOne[3625] <Warning>: CB type : interstitial
Jun 12 19:33:59 ESP OnlyOne[3625] <Warning>: CB name : chartboost
which is the same type of even if the .show(“interstitial”) fails
I’m not sure wether I should cache ads after every show or just at the start, but I think it’s just at the start
I find if you switch your app to testmode in chartboost adsettings on their website you’ll get sone consistent shows for a short while before it fails again. Now that being said when your not getting shows, you have no idea if it’s out of inventory or a connection problem or something else.
Some positive things here. I do appreciate the show, and close events, as I show my interstitials when the player hits the continue button so I restart the game on either a fail event or close interstitial event. But only when it’s working.
After restarting the app every odd time I no longer get events returning when I ask for ads, so my player is stuck jamming the play button because I haven’t received an event regarding the status of the ad being delivered.
Currently this plugin does not work on a consistent basis for me