Chartboost what is wrong?


I am trying chart boost in some of my games. However, after a few weeks the monetization is still 0 dollars. What am I doing wrong? Any help will be welcome.

The attached file is in jpeg2000 because the forum limits to 47KB and the image even in the lowest quality (jpg) is more than that… :frowning:



Maybe nothing wrong.

I served 30K impressions for nearly zero revenue. I quickly pulled Chartboost and reinstated RevMob. Glad I did, as RevMob is now $1.75 eCPM for the last few weeks. iAds around $1.2 and Vungle $10.

The nature of the app and ad placement greatly affect revenue. There are some folks doing well with Chartboost.

Hi all,

My name is Dan and I work with Chartboost.  I came across this thread.  Feel free to send me a note at my name and I’d be happy to take a look and see what might be the issue.



Maybe nothing wrong.

I served 30K impressions for nearly zero revenue. I quickly pulled Chartboost and reinstated RevMob. Glad I did, as RevMob is now $1.75 eCPM for the last few weeks. iAds around $1.2 and Vungle $10.

The nature of the app and ad placement greatly affect revenue. There are some folks doing well with Chartboost.

Hi all,

My name is Dan and I work with Chartboost.  I came across this thread.  Feel free to send me a note at my name and I’d be happy to take a look and see what might be the issue.

