Hi Everyone,
I wanted to let you know about a new game I have developed with Corona and just released on the iOS App Store. See below links to the game trailer, App Store link and website. I would love if you took a look at the game and let me know what you think. Any feedback and suggestions would be appreciated - as would app store reviews and Facebook/twitter shares with your high scores in the game!
Game Trailer - http://youtu.be/-rOLPZNS37U
Website - http://www.thejumpgame.com
iTunes Link - https://itunes.apple.com/app/id891568419
The game is called “Jump Game” and it is a new take on the endless runner/jumper genre. The concept is pretty simple - an endless side-scroller where you have to jump on blocks and if you fall you die. What makes it interesting is that the game is played in portrait and the blocks are randomly generated both in terms of their width and height spacing so no two games are the same. Also, as you progress through levels (jumping on 60 blocks triggers the next level) new block types are added that move up and down or side to side and then floating points and life bonuses are also introduced at level 4. From level 5 onwards the game starts ramping up the speed so eventually everyone fails, its just a matter of time and skill. There are four difficulty modes which change the block and gap widths to enable players to start the game at the right difficulty for them. I will also be adding a new fifth mode called “sprint” in the next update which will provide a much shorter/faster option - there will be no level breaks and difficulty will ramp up every 10-15 blocks rather than 60.
Its much harder than it looks so give it a try and let me know what you think.
Thanks for your time - I really hope you enjoy Jump Game!