I’m working on a set of children’s puzzles – right now just a simple click-and-drag puzzle (3x3 to 6x6 grid); a rotated-image game (rotate all pieces to display the correct image); and a toggle game (clicking one image inverts one or more images, try to get them all upright).
The code is basically working, but needs some tweaks and tuning … I’d certainly be interested in any/all help or comments on how to make it better.
Currently uses the storyboard module to keep each game separated (though I still need to get rid of some global vars that track what game you’re playing).
Artwork is from opengameart.org and openclipart.org … easy enough to replace with your own art if you want to give it a try! (and if any of it is your artwork, let me know a better link than your OGA/OCA URL)