"CiderDebugger" in main.lua in a Mac

Cider automatically add a line to main.lua when debugging.

There are some problems with this line.

  1. It seems like it is better to let Cider launch Corona Simulator rather than opening it myself, otherwise this line may make the simulator hang. This only happens in Mac.

  2. If this line is not removed before building, game won’t run in real device.

So the question is, how to automatically remove this line before building production code?

[import]uid: 94292 topic_id: 28060 reply_id: 328060[/import]

Hello Admin21,

You should use the build button for the production device. This will just launch the simulator with the proper main.lua file, it will not add the ciderdebugger library.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 28060 reply_id: 113830[/import]

Thanks, so Build will remove that line automatically :slight_smile: [import]uid: 94292 topic_id: 28060 reply_id: 113842[/import]

Hello Admin,

Yes that is correct, build will remove it automatically.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 28060 reply_id: 113877[/import]