CiderDebugger.lua:601: calling 'send' on bad self ?

Any ideas from the following simulator output what’s gone wrong with this project? This is a file I had developed outside of Cider. I wanted to use Cider to do some debugging.

Cider worked great for the first project I debugged with it last week. It was a game changing experience to be able to step back and look at variable values prior to the problem I was working on.
Simulator Output (looks like I need to update my Corona Build on my Mac!):

Copyright © 2009-2011 A n s c a , I n c .
Version: 2.0.0
Build: 2011.704
The file sandbox for this project is located at the following folder:
(/Users/erikolson/Library/Application Support/Corona Simulator/SuspendResumeTest-92A1D413528C743748834BC26493BCF7)
Runtime error
… Apps/Prototypes/SuspendResumeTest/CiderDebugger.lua:601: calling ‘send’ on bad self (udp{connected} expected, got userdata)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘send’
… Apps/Prototypes/SuspendResumeTest/CiderDebugger.lua:601: in function <… apps>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘send’
… Apps/Prototypes/SuspendResumeTest/CiderDebugger.lua:800: in function ‘_listener’
?: in function <?:514>
?: in function <?:215> [import]uid: 105707 topic_id: 29443 reply_id: 329443[/import] </…>


This usually occurs when you accidentally have 2 instances of the simulator running with the debugger running on it. Please ensure all simulators are closed.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 29443 reply_id: 118254[/import]