clean function for book pages?

Just wondering if there is a clean type function for book pages?

Basically on each page of my book I have some transitions running moving objects off the side of the screen. I want to remove these on page change so that they don’t appear over the top of the next page.

I figured there might be a clean type function? Something that is called on the exiting page automatically?

Otherwise is there a technique to move objects around on the page without them going across to the next page? Or if all else fails is there a way to disable the swipe transition to swipe to the next page?

[import]uid: 91921 topic_id: 26011 reply_id: 326011[/import]

If anyone else comes across this issue I found the answer after digging through the director class code.

Just add this code:

localGroup.clean = function()  

One issue I did find though was the director class has an error where it doesn’t clean the page until it is two pages behind instead of one.
Line 1766 should be changed from
unloadScene( prevScene )
unloadScene( currScene )
same goes for line 1855.

[import]uid: 91921 topic_id: 26011 reply_id: 107444[/import]

Your last tip on cleaning the page if it is only one page behind instead of two behind helped me out immensely!

Perry [import]uid: 44435 topic_id: 26011 reply_id: 107978[/import]

hmmm, not working for me in Director 1.4. The previous page still shows up in it’s current state it was in when I go to next the page. [import]uid: 44435 topic_id: 26011 reply_id: 107985[/import]

Yeah after posting that comment I realised it still wasn’t working quite how I wanted. I did work it out though but not in front of the code at the moment so will have a look back later to see what I ended up changing…
[import]uid: 91921 topic_id: 26011 reply_id: 107998[/import]