Code error?

hey guys im getting this message in the terminal when I run my main.lua file.

WARNING: Simulator does not support multitouch events

How can I resolve this? I do want to use multi joy pads on screen.

thanks guys [import]uid: 220607 topic_id: 37181 reply_id: 67181[/import]

Hi there,

The simulator doesn’t support multitouch (i.e., touching the screen with more than one finger at the same time), since it’s running on your computer, and there’s just one “finger” to touch the screen with (the mouse pointer). The warning is just a reminder of this. It’s perfectly fine to continue building a multitouch app and testing what you can in the simulator, but when you want to test the multitouch feature itself, you should build and install your app on an actual device.

Hope this helps.

  • Andrew [import]uid: 109711 topic_id: 37181 reply_id: 145442[/import]

Hi there,

The simulator doesn’t support multitouch (i.e., touching the screen with more than one finger at the same time), since it’s running on your computer, and there’s just one “finger” to touch the screen with (the mouse pointer). The warning is just a reminder of this. It’s perfectly fine to continue building a multitouch app and testing what you can in the simulator, but when you want to test the multitouch feature itself, you should build and install your app on an actual device.

Hope this helps.

  • Andrew [import]uid: 109711 topic_id: 37181 reply_id: 145442[/import]