In code example I created three objects and if you touch combo of either 1 and 2 or 1 and 3 long enough and fast enough at some point code sequence fails, it messes up. One timer overruns other. For fast touch I used “fast clicker”.
So this is the simplest code example where I see code sequence fail. My original code is more complex and it fails by just touching manually on the phone screen.
This is incredible annoying problem. Before downloading “fast clicker” I used my fingers.
local state = "one"
local duration = 700
local show1
local hide1Show2
local hide2
local obj1 = display.newRect(150, 100, 200, 100)
local obj2 = display.newRect(50, 120, 100, 100)
local obj3 = display.newRect(250, 120, 100, 100)
obj1.alpha = 1
obj2.alpha = 0
obj3.alpha = 0
local function manageObj(event)
if event.phase == "ended" then
local obj =
local modeName =
if state == "one" then
state = "two"
show1(obj1, obj2, manageObj)
elseif state == "two" then
state = "three"
hide1Show2(obj1, obj2, obj3, manageObj)
elseif state == "three" then
state = "one"
hide2(obj1, obj3, manageObj)
return true
obj1:addEventListener("touch", manageObj)
obj2:addEventListener("touch", manageObj)
obj3:addEventListener("touch", manageObj)
function show1(obj1, obj2, manageObj)
obj1:removeEventListener("touch", manageObj)
timer.performWithDelay(duration, function() obj1:addEventListener("touch", manageObj); end)
obj2:removeEventListener("touch", manageObj)
timer.performWithDelay(duration, function() obj2:addEventListener("touch", manageObj); end), {time = duration, alpha = 1})
function hide1Show2(obj1, obj2, obj3, manageObj)
obj1:removeEventListener("touch", manageObj)
timer.performWithDelay(duration, function() obj1:addEventListener("touch", manageObj); end)
obj2:removeEventListener("touch", manageObj)
timer.performWithDelay(duration, function() obj2:addEventListener("touch", manageObj); end), {time = duration, alpha = 0})
obj3:removeEventListener("touch", manageObj)
timer.performWithDelay(duration, function() obj3:addEventListener("touch", manageObj); end), {time = duration, alpha = 1})
function hide2(obj1, obj3, manageObj)
obj1:removeEventListener("touch", manageObj)
timer.performWithDelay(duration, function() obj1:addEventListener("touch", manageObj); end)
obj3:removeEventListener("touch", manageObj)
timer.performWithDelay(duration, function() obj3:addEventListener("touch", manageObj); end), {time = duration, alpha = 0})