I’ m making a remake of qbasic gorillas.
My problem is:
I have two gorillas at the sides of the screen, who are standing on the physical object buildings.
The sun in the sky is also a physical object, such as the banana.
The banana and the sun have two associated event listener collision.
When the banana touches the opponent gorilla or buildings, it explodes.
The listener associated with the sun when it hits the banana has to change image in a smiling sun, but the banana has to continue on his way.
I’ve tried using the filter collisions, or by becoming the sun a sensor, but I can not make it work. I thought I could solve collisions with the filter, but apparently I can not.
I would like banana listener would not notice the collision, while the sun listener yes. It possible? How?
With the collision filter should be,
having two bodies A and B, with a collision listener for each one , exclude the collision of A and B in A listener but activate the collision of A and B in B listener. B is a sensor, his listener change an image value when A pass through him, but the A listener must be activate only when A hit a C object.
Sorry for bad english.