Collision problems

I have two physics body , one is dynamic and other is kinematic , i am spawinging the other though the collision function , and the weird thing is that the collision occurs alteernateively , one time happens and other time dosent happen . I dont knw what to do , please help me out . Thank You

Hello @hardikparekh07,

Please post some code so we (staff) or other developers can assist you.



@hardikparekh07 Are you asking why a dynamic and a kinematic body sometimes do not cause collision events to fire? If so, you should read this:

I suspect that you are attempting to detect a collision between two kinematic bodies or between a kinematic and a static body. Neither of these will fire a collision event.

Hello @hardikparekh07,

Please post some code so we (staff) or other developers can assist you.



@hardikparekh07 Are you asking why a dynamic and a kinematic body sometimes do not cause collision events to fire? If so, you should read this:

I suspect that you are attempting to detect a collision between two kinematic bodies or between a kinematic and a static body. Neither of these will fire a collision event.