I’ve perfected a lightning bolt style weapon, but I’m wondering what would be the best way to implement collision detection for this type of weapon. It is essentially a line that arcs outward to a set point, and really the enemy could be intersecting at any point along this arc, and getting near it (but not yet into the beam) would be a fair trigger point for a collision.
One method could be to send continuos invisible wide bullets to determine where specifically the enemy crossed the bolt or came near etc. This would allow me to split the bolt and follow the enemy (like an electric arc) until it or you moved out of range.
Another approach would be to define a rectangle collision shape (in the general arc shape), which is then again roughly used to provide a split an arc beam to follow. This approach avoids me needing to define another display object, but obviously requires the definition of the shape in a more complex way.
Any other thoughts on how to handle this?