i wish the bug submission were searchable…
basically trying to figure out if this is a known issue, or maybe just some misunderstanding on my part, before i go to the effort of crafting a bug submittal…
scenario: you call showOverlay and have isModal=true, so that a “touch-blocker” is added underneath, so that no touch/tap events can make it through to the parent scene. fine so far. but then call hideOverlay (with a nice long time so that you can experiment during the transition) and the touch-blocker is *immediately* removed, not at the end of the transition. Ideally, I’d not want any events leaking through til overlay is completely gone, but that’s not happening.
so you can interact with the parent scene during the hide transition, including potentially even pushing the button that called showOverlay to begin with! and this causes all sorts of problems. fe, you can “interrupt” the hide transition by starting a whole new “show” transition, the two “fight” for control, though the later show transition usually wins, and it appears the hide transition isn’t fully cancelled because you can get really weird sequences of events. sprinkle print statements around and you’ll see show-will + show-did as expected, followed by a late destroy lingering from the hide, followed immediately by another show-did. (what? show-did? on a supposedly just-destroyed scene!?)
You can even get the whole system to appear “locked up” – where the touch-blocker remains after an interrupted-hide-new-show-then-delete, overlay scene is not visible, but parent scene still covered by active touch-blocker.
(aside/separate feature-request: i also wish we had “access” to that internal touch-blocker so that we could style it – it’d be handy to be able to SEE it when present)
Q: i thought touch/tap events were meant to be fully blocked during ALL transitions??
thx, cheers