Composer Memory Leak Checking

Hey, I’m using the new Composer API instead of Storyboard.  There’s one bit about it that makes it much less awesome. 

I was looking for a way to see if I have a memory leak, and how I’d do that in Storyboard is to call collectgarbage(“count”) and switch back and forth between two scenes and see if it stays at roughly the same memory usage level or increases.  In Storyboard, this works, but with Composer, it does not.  In Composer, the memory usage increments till it hits a certain value, then it is freed and starts over.

You can view the Composer demo that is included with Corona to verify this memory behavior.  Try it with an older version that has the Storyboard version of that program to see the memory number stay around the same.

This may be the intended behavior, and that’s fine with me, however, I am wondering what a method for checking if I’m leaking memory would be now?  Any ideas?  Thanks.

It sounds like you may have auto purging on in Storyboard but not in Composer.


It sounds like you may have auto purging on in Storyboard but not in Composer.
