The title really explains it. I’m using composer, and it’s been working excellently on both iOS and Android until I put in interstitials a few days ago. My game is structured like this:
1. User plays Game (a scene), and is taken to a Game Over screen (a scene).
2. On the Game Over screen, there’s a touch button to go back to the Main Menu screen (a scene). User clicks on that button.
3. Main Menu screen does loading animation, then check if an interstitial from one of these networks (vungle, admob, chartboost, playhaven) can be shown. If so, choose which ad to show. Else, just continue on.
4. Show the interstitial (full-screen)
5. The Main Menu screen has a button to replay the Game. (and the cycle continues)
iOS handles this perfectly. I couldn’t be happier for that. But on Android, after showing any interstitial (step 4), when the user touches the Game button, there is about a 3 second delay between switching to the Game scene. My game is very fast paced, so this is game-breaking. If no ad shows, it works fine. BUUUUUUUUT: no ads = no money. Which is bad.
Looking at the logs, the lengthy delay prints this out immediately afterwards:
wifi : doString: SIGNAL_POLL
I have no idea what this means, but I’m guessing since it’s about wifi, it’s due to the ad networks. I have no networking logic happening during the actual game or on touching the Game button, so I really have no idea why it pauses for so long.
Does anyone have a good workaround or solution to this problem?