Hi all,
First off, believe me, I’ve been on this problem all day… I’ve not just jumped into the forum at the first sign of trouble.
I’ve got a problem with the Facebook Plugin (now needed for builds more recent than 2014.2165) - I am currently running Corona 2014.2189.
My subscription expired a short while ago, so my account has reverted to ‘Starter’… No cash for a while, so I’m stuck with it.
In a nutshell, I’m using the sample code; ‘networking/facebook’ and I can’t get the app to build for iOS… I’ve had a good look around the forum, and there are a few similar instances, but for other plugins.
When the build process starts, I get an out of date SDK warning (it wants 7, I’m running 6), but then I get the error:
Runtime error
/Users/appleimac/Desktop//Facebook.app/.build/libtemplate/Builder.lua:295: <error>{“status”:32512,“message”:“sh: /Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang++: No such file or directory”}</error>
My first guess was that I was trying to use a plugin, which my subscription didn’t cover, but when that’s happened in the past, the console has always mentioned it. - And I’m pretty sure it’s the “social” plugin, that’s covered by premium membership.
My bundle ID is OK (I think), it’s nothing to do with the app-setup on facebook (I don’t think) and when I comment-out this part of the build settings, it will build (but the doesn’t work on X-code simulator OR a device).
plugins = { ["facebook"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone = true, ["iphone-sim"] = true }, }, },
Really not sure what’s going on… If it is down to my subscription, could you please point me in the direction of a resource or tutorial, that lets me post facebook status/photo’s without the plugin. I’ll even consider reverting to an older build if that’s the best advice I can get. Any help will be appreciated.
All the best