Content scaling difference corona simulator vs device

Could someone please explain me why I see a difference in content scaling in my game when I run it on corona simulator on my mac, vs when I run it on an Android Pixel 3a simulator.

What is the best way to develop on corona simulator before I try to run on device simulators, to get close to realistic device usage ?

My config.lua looks like this
application = {
content = {
width = 320,
height = 480,
scale = “letterbox”,
xAlign = “center”,
yAlign = “center”,
fps = 60,

PS:I did try to make corona simulator use the same dimentions as my Pixel 3a with 1080x2220.

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Maybe set sim to run in 1080x2220?

@anon63346430 I did try to run simulator in 1080x2220 but the dimensions are flipped due to landscape mode in my actual app. Not sure how to get the same view in simulator as device.


Have you tried “rotation” on your simulator? Here is a screenshot on my simulator on Windows.
Screenshot (260)

Let me try, I can only think of I am using Corona cards on my device vs Corona sdk on simulator… but will that make a difference?

No idea. I have not have a chance to use “Corona Cards”. Maybe others can help here.