Controlling the relaunch of device apps via Corona Live Server

First, thank you for creating the Corona Live Server.  It’s saving me a ton of time already!  My current app features many multi-touch ui events that can’t be previewed in the simulator so being able to instantly see and interact with them on a device is making my days much brighter : )

As it stands, CLS relaunches the app on my devices every time I save a file.  I would like this to happen only when I manually relaunch the app (cmd-R).  Currently, I have the simulator preference “Relaunch the Simulator when project is modified?” set to “never”.  I would like a similar option for CLS.  Does that option currently exist?  If not, can it be added to a future version?



I’m not sure how possible that would be in particular for apps using multi-touch already.  Devices don’t have keyboard input so you can’t realistically do a CMD-R. It would have to involve some multi-touch action, like a four finger touch, but that could cause problems with apps that use mutil-touch. 

You probably should fill out a feature request at

and get some votes on it.



Sorry, when I referred to CMD-R, I meant that I want to have control over when the Corona Live Server controlled devices relaunch and for that control to be with my computer.  At the moment, they relaunch every time I make the slightest change to any file in my project.  A solution is to turn off CLS , restart it and then reload the project when I’m ready to have every change trigger a relaunch, but a more simple solution, where I can manually relaunch, would be welcome.

The Corona Simulator has a similar behavior but you can turn it off and manually relaunch the simulator when you need to by setting the  preference “Relaunch the Simulator when project is modified?” to “never”

I hope that is more clear, sorry about the confusion.   Unless there is a simple fix I have missed, I will submit this as a feature request.  Thanks Rob.


This isn’t supported. You will need to file a feature request.


Actually, I’m not even sure that I would use any of my personal feature request votes on this.

I’ll just turn the server on and off as needed, you guys have better things to do ; )

By the way, this is a BRILLIANT addition to Corona, thank you so much for developing it.  It just 2 days it’s saved me from waiting for 50+ builds.  Thanks Corona!


If you’re on mac, you can easily add/remove app from server with keyboard shortcuts. ⌘A, ⌘Delete to remove and ⌘O, Return to add last one… 

Thanks vlads that’s very helpful!

Again, I love the live server.  Refining the multitouch elements of my app means I have to run device tests dozens of times a day so CLS has saved me, literally, hundreds of builds already! 

I’m not sure how possible that would be in particular for apps using multi-touch already.  Devices don’t have keyboard input so you can’t realistically do a CMD-R. It would have to involve some multi-touch action, like a four finger touch, but that could cause problems with apps that use mutil-touch. 

You probably should fill out a feature request at

and get some votes on it.



Sorry, when I referred to CMD-R, I meant that I want to have control over when the Corona Live Server controlled devices relaunch and for that control to be with my computer.  At the moment, they relaunch every time I make the slightest change to any file in my project.  A solution is to turn off CLS , restart it and then reload the project when I’m ready to have every change trigger a relaunch, but a more simple solution, where I can manually relaunch, would be welcome.

The Corona Simulator has a similar behavior but you can turn it off and manually relaunch the simulator when you need to by setting the  preference “Relaunch the Simulator when project is modified?” to “never”

I hope that is more clear, sorry about the confusion.   Unless there is a simple fix I have missed, I will submit this as a feature request.  Thanks Rob.


This isn’t supported. You will need to file a feature request.


Actually, I’m not even sure that I would use any of my personal feature request votes on this.

I’ll just turn the server on and off as needed, you guys have better things to do ; )

By the way, this is a BRILLIANT addition to Corona, thank you so much for developing it.  It just 2 days it’s saved me from waiting for 50+ builds.  Thanks Corona!


If you’re on mac, you can easily add/remove app from server with keyboard shortcuts. ⌘A, ⌘Delete to remove and ⌘O, Return to add last one… 

Thanks vlads that’s very helpful!

Again, I love the live server.  Refining the multitouch elements of my app means I have to run device tests dozens of times a day so CLS has saved me, literally, hundreds of builds already!