core.mysql.timestamp reverse function?

So my question is:

core.mysql.timestamp() will convert UNIX timestamp to mysql format

But how can I convert it back?

I found nothing about it in documentation. For now I’m using raw query:

SELECT UNIX\_TIMESTAMP(UpdatedDate) as UpdatedDate FROM ...



If you don’t plan on using the functions that use timestamps in your queries, then just store the unix time using the  os.time  Lua method.

The MySQL module doesn’t have a method to reverse it, because it’s not common usage.


Thanks for answer!

I would like to use some of those functions. And also it’s useful for me to see date & time in HeidiSQL


This function should work to covert to Unix timestamp from MySQL. I’ll add it in the next release. But you can add it locally to your server-side API for now.


local function tsToUnix(mysql\_ts) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+)" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xmin, xsec = mysql\_ts:match(pattern) local unixTs = os.time({year=xyear, month=xmonth, day=xday, hour=xhour, min=xmin, sec=xsec}) return unixTs end


local unix\_ts = tsToUnix( "2018-04-23 20:39:39" ) print( unix\_ts ) --\> 1524533979

Hope that helps.


Many thanks for this function!


If you don’t plan on using the functions that use timestamps in your queries, then just store the unix time using the  os.time  Lua method.

The MySQL module doesn’t have a method to reverse it, because it’s not common usage.


Thanks for answer!

I would like to use some of those functions. And also it’s useful for me to see date & time in HeidiSQL


This function should work to covert to Unix timestamp from MySQL. I’ll add it in the next release. But you can add it locally to your server-side API for now.


local function tsToUnix(mysql\_ts) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+)" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xmin, xsec = mysql\_ts:match(pattern) local unixTs = os.time({year=xyear, month=xmonth, day=xday, hour=xhour, min=xmin, sec=xsec}) return unixTs end


local unix\_ts = tsToUnix( "2018-04-23 20:39:39" ) print( unix\_ts ) --\> 1524533979

Hope that helps.


Many thanks for this function!