Thanks Rob
If it helps, I’m seeing the same issue with iOS. Below is the output and screenshot from an iPad 4
iPad 4 screenshot here
Device Model = iPad
Platform Name = iPhone OS
Platform Version = 9.3.4
Corona Version = 3.0.0
Corona Build = 2016.2951
display.contentWidth 320
display.contentHeight 480
display.pixelWidth 1536
display.pixelHeight 2048
display.actualContentWidth 360
display.actualContentHeight 480
display.contentScaleX 0.234375
display.contentScaleY 0.234375
display.screenOriginX -20
display.screenOriginY -0
display.statusBarHeight 20
display.topStatusBarContentHeight 0
display.viewableContentHeight 480
display.viewableContentWidth 320
initialize Corona Ads with key: 5223c2c3-cf81-4c43-ae41-2d4ed16552bc
coronaAdsListener init
table: 0x17620800 {
[phase] => “init”
[provider] => “coronaAds”
[isError] => false
[name] => “corona_ads_event”
coronaAdsListener request
table: 0x17626e40 {
[placementId] => “bottom-banner-320x50”
[name] => “corona_ads_event”
[phase] => “request”
[provider] => “coronaAds”
[isError] => false
coronaAdsListener found
table: 0x175c27a0 {
[placementId] => “bottom-banner-320x50”
[identifier] => “s2sAdvert”
[isError] => false
[phase] => “found”
[provider] => “coronaAds”
[name] => “corona_ads_event”
coronaAdsListener shown
table: 0x175b9540 {
[placementId] => “bottom-banner-320x50”
[identifier] => “s2sAdvert”
[isError] => false
[phase] => “shown”
[provider] => “coronaAds”
[name] => “corona_ads_event”